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Mmim.01 OF TM LAKE ELMO VIILA09 COUNCIL ,DUNE 1, 1971. <br />Meeting Called to order at 708 p.m. by Mayor Urookman. <br />Presentt trookman, Friedrich' Watson, Abercrombie, Sbervhei.m, Park A Mehsikomer. <br />.Also presents Counsel Raleigh Absent: none. <br />Clerk instructed each member of the Council to insert Claim #212 as the last number <br />approved at the May 18, 1971 meeting. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson# 2nd by C. Shervheim to approve minutes of the May 18, 1971 <br />meeting subject to the above mentioned change. Carried 5-0. <br />Correspondence read and referred to clerk for appropriate action. <br />Buetow Development Group asked about the availability of property for the development of a <br />motel for a major franchise chain. Clerk to answer with the aid of the mayor if necessary. <br />The Mid America Modular Housing Expo is on from June 2 thru June 6, 1971. Passes are <br />available to members of the Council who may want to attend. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim, 2nd by C. Watson that the Village of Lake Elmo go on record as <br />approving the resolution of the Village of Apple Valley regarding S.F. 702(H.F.1272) <br />which covers the distribution of cigarette and liquor taxes based on the 1970 census and <br />that adjustments would be made to cover the first half distribution that was made on the <br />basis of the 1960 census. Carried 5-0, Clerk to relate this information to Senator Brown <br />and Legislators O'daa and Albertson. <br />Washington County Engineer requested the Village to offer some assistance regarding the <br />County Board's Resolution regarding a new signal for the railroad crossing on Washington <br />County 17 (Lake Elmo Road), Mayor Brockman advised that he planned to attend the hearing <br />on June 29, 1971 at the new county office building at 10-00 a.m.. Clerk also to write <br />`.etter to the Minn. State Highway Dept., indicating our approval of the county resolution. <br />Request for Sewer Installers License from Weierke Trenching and Excavating, submitted for <br />approval. Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Friedrich that request be approved as long as the <br />required certificate of insurance was.attaohed to the request. Carried 5-0, :Assigned <br />31 000014. <br />Letter from Charles Taylor of the Tri-Lakes Assno who reported that when they had their <br />cleanup days, they found that the Village Owned property (Gov't lots 1 & 2 ) on Lake <br />Demontraville was a mess and asked that the Village do something about cleaning it up. <br />The letter was turned over to C. Friedrich for transmission to the Village Maintenance Dept, <br />Patrolman Dick Neville to be alerted to this and other trouble spots that are located <br />throughout the Village. Clerk to send letter to Mr. Taylor explaining that the Village <br />will take action. <br />Letter from the City of Columbia Heights advised that there was a dutch breakfast meeting <br />scheduled for June 9, 1971 at 7:30 a.m. to discuss the action to be taken regarding the <br />Northern States Power 8% increase in rates; C. Watson will attempt to make this meeting. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Iverson once again asked the Council for a variance on lot 21, Berschen's Shores. <br />A committee of Robert Watson, R.B.Abercrombie and Lloyd Shervheim has been appointed by <br />the Mayor to study the problem and make a recommendation to the Council. Chairman Watson <br />stated that it was the recommendation of the committee that the permit be denied on the <br />basis of the present lot. The Iverson's felt that the letter they presented from the <br />Department of Conservation was in fact a permit to fill above the 920 level. The Council <br />-,ras not in agreement and 0. Watson advised that he would approach the state with the facts <br />f previous water problems and resolve the intent of the letter and determine what the <br />state has or will approve regarding fill on lot 21. <br />