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Meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council ,rune 1, 1971 Contend. Page 2. <br />Councilman Watson advised that this will be completed and a report will be made at the <br />jurie 15, 1971 Council Meeting. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Watson that Council reacts favorably to petition from <br />residents that the Village vacate the old town road subject to determination by the <br />watershed district as to the outlet area and an engineer report on the feasibility as well <br />as a recommendation on the slope easement that would be required for water and sewer <br />in the same area. Carried 5-0. Clerk instructed to include the Iverson's on the next agenda. <br />Bill. Wacker requested a Special Use Permit to use the property at 720 Lake Elmo Road as a <br />sales and storage area for building blocks, patio stones, sand, cement and associated products. <br />He reported that he wanted approval before he completed negotiations with Mr.. Basler, Owner <br />of the property. Mr. Wacker advised that be would fix up the building as well as clean the <br />area up and would put a fence in front of the business area. Motion by C. Aborcrombie, 2nd <br />by C. Watson that the request be approved. Carried 5-0. <br />Bernard Witzman, 3710 Lane Road (Lanes Demontrevil.le Country Club Addition) requested a <br />variance to obtain a building permit to add on to the existing home on the property. <br />It was the recommendation of the Planning Commission (see minutes of May 24, 1971) <br />that request be denied. Motion by 0. Watson 2nd by C. Abercrombie that the Council <br />uphold the decision of the Commission and dery request. Carried 5-0, <br />Gene Peltier, John Johnson, and Mr. Lane appeared regarding a proposed development <br />including a bowling allay on 70 acres in the SE corner of section 35 at the intersection <br />of 94 and C.S.A.H. 17. It was determined that there was a misunderstanding of what is <br />requested and what was wanted'and those gentlemen were referred back to the Planning <br />Commission. <br />C. Shervheim submitted Resolution R 71 9 approving the legislation submitted by Legislator <br />toward Albertson regarding the disposition of the boundary problem between Oakdale and <br />.Lake Elmo. 2nd by C. Watson. A vote being taken shows that all voted ,yes, no naves. Carried. <br />Copy on file in clerk's office, <br />Determination to be made .of the amount of cost to complete the ballpark in Gravel Pit Park. <br />In the absence of Councilman Shervheim that C. Abercrombie would be delegated authority to <br />order work completed.: <br />Request approved for expenditure of approximately $100 to replace playground equipment <br />damaged by vandals. <br />Clerk to send an appropriate letter of thanks to Mr. & Mrs. 'Earl Goerss who donated the <br />flowers for the garden at the base of the flagpole that was donated to the village by the <br />Lake 'Elmo Lions. <br />Mr. Pennings sent a letter asking the council if they would approve the request for a <br />variance if he acquired an additional 40 ft making the lot size 120 front and 200 feet deep. <br />Motion by C. Watson$ 2nd by C. Shervheim,that .variance would be issued to Mr.'s <br />meeting all the other required codes. Carried 5-0. . <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C.'Abercrombie to authorize payment of claims 213 thru 243. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim, 2nd by C. Friedrich that we adjourn at 11:50 P.M. Carried 5-0. <br />?espectfully submitted <br />Donald Meheikomer <br />Village Clerk, Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />