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Minutea of the Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting, ,rune 15, 1971. <br />Meeting Called to order at 7s30PM by Mayor 1rookman. <br />Presents Brookman, Friedrioh,Watson, Abercrombie, Park <br />Mehsakomer (late) Absents Shervheim <br />Also present Counsel Raleigh and Engineer Bonestroo. <br />Motion by C. Watson, 2nd by C. Abercrombie that the minutes of the June 1, 1971 meeting <br />be approved as submitted. Carried 4-0. <br />Clerk instructed to see that letter regarding Hwy. 94 be directed to the engineer and <br />not to the Sate of Minnesota Hwy. Dept. <br />Correspondence read and following action taken: <br />Letter from Mr. Taylor chairman of the street naming & numbering committee to Mr. Harris <br />of the Washington County Surveyors Office read and clerk was requested to include <br />Mr. Taylor and his committee on the agenda for -the July 6, 1971 meeting. <br />Letter from Fire Underwriter's Inspection Bureau advised that the new rating for the <br />area with water and hydrants was class 7 and that the outlying area was zoned 9. <br />Clerk instructed to include this as part of the news release. <br />Motion by 0. Watson 2nd by C. Abercrombie that Village 'Engineer be instructed to prepare <br />an estimate on an analysis of water distribution for the entire Village. Carried II-0. <br />Noted that notification had been published requesting bids for the Street Maintenance <br />and Seal Coat Project for 1971 and that bids would be received by the Clerk up to 10.00AM <br />on Thursday, July 1st., 1971 at which time the opening of the bids would take place. <br />Opening to be at the Village Hall at 570 Kalmi.a, Lake Elmo, Minnesota. <br />Motion by C. Friedrich.. 2nd by 0. Abercrombie that the Sewer Installers request (SI13) <br />from John Jeanette 2476 Century Ave., North St. Paul, Minn. be approved. Carried 4-0. <br />Clerk instructed to issue permit. <br />Fire Chief Bjorkman asked about obtaining a map showing all. the Village Street names. <br />Ile was advised that this was a matter that was in the state of change and that the <br />committee reporting on this matter would be at the next meeting and when the matter is <br />finally resolved such a map will be made available. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Iverson again appeared relative to a variance on Lot 21 Berschens Shores on <br />Lake ,lane. Letters were presented by C. Watson and by the Iverson each in contradiction <br />to the other. The letter to WAtsom stated that it was not the intent of the original <br />letter to the Iversons to allow filling. The letter to the Iverson's states that the <br />Iverson's have permission to fill up to 100' from the Old Township Rd. Both Letters came <br />from the Office of Mr. Hollenstein, Chief Hydrologist of the State of Minn. <br />Clerk instructed to set up a meeting on the site to include Mr. Hollenstein, Mr. Mentor <br />and Mr. Wright from the State of Minnesota, all possible Council members and the Iverson's, <br />Meeting to be set up as soon as possible. <br />Clerk also requested to ask the State of _Minnesota to establish or advise us of established <br />high water levels on all the Lakes in the Village. <br />Mr. Caulkin has 3 lots in Tablyn Park (lots 9,10,and 11) with 110' frontage. He requested <br />a variance so that these lots would be buildable. Council advised him that under the <br />present conditions a variance would not be given and it was suggested that if he wanted to <br />sell or build on the lots at this time that he split the three lots into two lots. With <br />this decision Mr. Caulkin then felt that he was improperly assessed for the property. <br />