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06-15-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-15-71 CCM
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Minutes of the bake 'Elmo Village Council Meeting June 15, 1971 Page 2. <br />Mr. Caulkin;was advised by the assessor that he should fill out an abatement form in the <br />county assessors office and that this would be considered. <br />I Ar, & Mrs. Donald Anderson have a 3 acre plot on Sake Demontreville Rd. July 210 1970 <br />Council instructed the Planning Commission to hold a hearing regarding rezoning from <br />agricultural to SFU. :August ll, 1970 Planning Commission held hearing and made recommendation <br />to the Council that area be rezoned. No action taken. Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by <br />C. Watson that Tract B - that part of the SW * in government Lot 7, all being in Section 5 <br />Twsp. 29, R 21:in Washington County, Minn. described as follows: Beginning at a point, on <br />the South line of Section 5 said point being a distance of 1171 feet 'East, of the SW corner <br />of SW4 thence North at right angles to the South line of said Section 5, a distance of 2941, <br />thence Fast at right angles and parallel to the South line of Section 5 to the center line <br />of State Aid Highway 13, be rezoned from agricultural to SFU. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Mrs. Hedberg will initiate plans for platting thru.:the Clerk's office. <br />Mr. Bernard Witzman again appeared regarding a variance at 3710 Lane Road. Mr. Witzman <br />presented a plan showing the removal of some of the present quartessand remodeling the <br />new addition. C. Abercrombie presented and moved for the approval of resolution R-7141 <br />dealing with subject =varianaev copy on file in clerk's office. Second by C. Watson. <br />Carried 4-0, Mr. Witzman advised that he must go thru the regular variance procedures <br />but that he would not be required to reappear before the Planning Commission that this <br />had been fulfilled. A plot plan must be supplied to the building inspector showing <br />details before a building permit will be issued for the alteration. <br />Dr. Schneider appeared before the Council asking if they would consider selling the <br />property that formerly was the location of the town hall. It was his intent to build a <br />building that would house 9. dentist, a doctor and possibly a lawyer. Dr. Schneider was <br />advised that the Council would consider the request and advise him of the action taken. <br />Mr. Peter Van Dusartz appeared regarding Take Jane Hills Development. Motion by <br />C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson that since Mr. VanDusartz had taken the necessary steps <br />having the Planning Commission hearing on June 8, 1971 that the Council approve the <br />preliminary plat subject to the following revisions to submitted layout. Outlot A should <br />show that it is for road, water, sewer and utility easements; the plan should call for a <br />40' setback on all buildings and that the recreational contribution be taken as $.50,09 <br />per lot rather than in acreage. Carried 4-0. <br />Elmer Haase asked premission to move 3 houses from the Highway 94 road clearance area <br />to his property to be set on foundations as soon as possible, Motion by 0. Abercrombie <br />the 2nd by C. Watson that permission be given subject to the following conditions: <br />That a performance bond, a certified check or a consigned bond in the amount of <br />$22,Q00.00 be supplied guaranteeing completion of platting, through standard <br />procedures, and installation of the houses on the foundations within six (6) months <br />from today. Homes would have to be modified as defined by the building inspector <br />to bring them up to code. Water & sewer facilities would also be completed. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />
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