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06-15-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-15-71 CCM
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Minutes of the bake Elmo Village Council Meeting June 15, 2971. page 3, <br />C+e e n T5e1t4 r Mr J h & Mr t <br />e , . o noon yen appeared regarding a new layout for the rezoned <br />property at the intersection of Washington County 17 and present Hwy. 94. After some <br />discussion it was apparent that no construction of a bowling alley would not even be <br />considered if a liquor license was not available. Council promised that the subject <br />license would be reviewed and a decision would be made and given at the next meeting <br />on July 6, 1971, Council also advised that proposed plan should be given to a professional <br />planner for an opinion on the layout. Also they should get together with the Village <br />Engineer regarding the road plan for the area. 'Estimated cost of the facility is $270,000,00. <br />Gilbert Meyer, William Hagberg, and Ken. Johnson asked the Council if it would consider <br />selling the property that previously held the town hall. It is the intent of this group. <br />to remove the present storeage buildings of Mr. Meyer and then rebuild a Country Boy <br />Grocery Store with adequate parking facilities in front of the store. Mr. Meyer would <br />also construct a new warehouse on the lot behind the present hardware store. The earlier <br />request of Dr. Schneider was discussed and this group thought that they could work out <br />an arrangement whereby another building could be built on the property under question <br />that would house the doctors and a lawyer. Further discussion on this would be hold <br />by the :interested parties. Village Council will check into the matter on selling and <br />if yes, will come up with a price. The group was directed to work out the preliminary <br />plan showing buildings, alley, parking lot, sewage, etc. Financing for the project <br />has been committed. <br />Notification received from the Washington County Assessor that the Personal Property <br />Board of Evaluation would meet at the Lake Elmo Village Hall on Monday, June 28, 1971 <br />from IOsOO AM to 3:30 PM. It was pointed out that this was personal property only and <br />did not include real estate taxes. <br />Mr. Hammes and his son & daughter appeared before the Council regarding the removal of <br />gravel from his property, it was pointed out that the county has asked the village to <br />restrict removal in this area since it kept the ground level changing for the 194 roadway. <br />Mr. Hammes advised that he had a permit signed by Walter Larson permitting him to remove <br />gravel, The Council asked Mr. Hammes to produce the permit and allow the deputy clerk <br />to make a copy. The council would review at the next meeting if copy available. <br />Motion by C. Watson, 2nd by 0. Friedrich that Panasow be given a deadline of July_]., 1971 <br />to complete the work that was directed by the court order, Motion carried 4-0. <br />Assessor Park presented the following requests for abatement: <br />C. W. Graves 24295--13B <br />R. H, Gruber 24028-A <br />H. R. Fisher 24425-24 <br />N. J. Goranson 28054-28 <br />F.F;Franta,Jr, 24029-C <br />0. Brockman 24104-C <br />F,F.Franta,Jr. 26382-057-3&4 <br />R. W. Baber 24389-A2 <br />F. T.Lewanovich24295-C <br />R.R.Charbonneau25616-A <br />25638,A (J <br />25639 thru <br />25644 <br />From $1,050. <br />12,805. <br />1,100, <br />1,0000. <br />575. <br />500, <br />4,000. <br />to 710, <br />to11,500. <br />to 820, <br />to 833. <br />to 333. <br />to 100. <br />to 3,400. <br />approved. <br />approved. <br />approved. <br />approved. <br />approved. <br />approved, <br />approved, <br />rejected. <br />rejected. <br />rejected. <br />
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