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07-20-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-20-71 CCM
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M tTINO OF T14Y IAXS ELMO VIUAGE OotMolt J71Y' 20, 1971 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:50PM by acting Mayor Watson. <br />Present: Watson,FriedrichsShervheim,Abercrombie, Brockman (tardy)$ Park & <br />Mehsikomer. Also present: Counsel Raleigh Bldg. Insp. Friedrich. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich that the minutes of the July 6, 1971 meeting <br />be approved as submitted. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich to approve the request of Firechief Bjorkman <br />and appoint Mr. Jon Griffin as a member of the Lake Elmo Volunteer Fire Dept. Carried 4-0. <br />The request to mark the parking area in front of the Village Council Chambers with 6 <br />parking spots and to also mark no parking except for fire department was approved and <br />C. Friedrich given responsibility to see that work was completed. <br />Correspondence read and following action required. The engineer report on the water <br />situation in front of the old bank building on Lake Elmo Road does not solve the problem. <br />Water is still being created by the Elmo Inn which settles on the roadway and eventually <br />seeps through the wall on the East side of the building. Engineer to be advised to <br />review this matter and to contact the mayor when he makes his inspection. <br />Letter received from the Minnesota Conservation Dept. regarding the establishment of <br />high water marks on the Village lakes. Based on this report it was the opinion of the <br />Council and also Village Counsel Raleigh that we did not have sufficient cause to warrant <br />pursuing this matter further. A copy of S.F.99 regarding the Oakdale -Lake Elmo Boundary <br />was read and the clerk instructed to put on comeout for the last meeting in September for <br />consideration at that time. <br />Report from Cimarron on population gives a new total of 665 residents. This makes the <br />Village population approx. 4700. <br />Letter from Bonestroo advising the .Council that they should make sure to retain an <br />easement of at least 15' of any land contiguous to Lake Jane Rd, when considering the <br />road vacation in that area. <br />Letter for a proposed water distribution study was received from Bonestroo. <br />Cost of study approa.M150. Council discussed matter and determined that this item <br />had not been budgeted but that it should be put under consideration at the 197- budget <br />meeting. Copies to be distributed to councilmen. Report from the Washington County <br />Treasurer reporting fines assessed for the month of June in the amount of $143.00, <br />Counsel Raleigh submitted a proposed new ordinance relative to coning of land in the <br />Village of Lake Elmo. Clerk to distribute copies to members of the council for study. <br />Gary Schmidt and Mr. Phillippi appeared relative to the possibility of getting a road <br />approved in the Panasow addition. They were informed that under the present conditions <br />the Village could not accept the road until it was built to village standards, and <br />approved by the engineer. They were also informed that abig cost of a road improvdment <br />in the area would be for a storm sewer to carry all the water away from the area. <br />Mr. R. Peterson 2425 Sumac Road requested a variation from the code for a garage on <br />his property. The 30 ft setback makes it almost an impossibility to build a garage <br />but that it could be done with a 20 ft. setback. Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by <br />C. Shervheim that since Mr. Peterson is the only resident on the street and variance <br />would have no effect on anybody else that the variance be granted. Carried 4-0. <br />The minutes of the Planning Commission were reviewed. <br />Matter of a Wausau home on property in Tablyn Park was reviewed. It was determined <br />that since the state code accepts these homes that we would not be able to hold them <br />up and require a bond any longer. <br />
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