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07-20-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-20-71 CCM
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M1MUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VTUAGE COtIMCTL MEET:fNO DULY 20, 1971 pg. 2 <br />The Council confirmed the action of the Planning Commission in advising Mr. Melvin Anderson <br />that the Village would not be able to absorb any of the expense in platting 2 acres on <br />Goose Lake even though cost may be a result of locating the road. <br />Clerk instructed to write a letter to Mrs. Arneson regarding the use of additional help <br />at the Lake Elmo Beauty Boutique. Ile is to explain that the amendment to the special <br />use permit covered the requested item only; that being use of help in the event of illness <br />or vacation but was not, for the purpose of adding any new business. Violation could <br />result in cancellation of special use permit. <br />Clerk instructed to write to the state regarding a list of approved homes of the prefab <br />variety that meet the new state building code. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Donald Anderson presented the preliminary plat to the council. Motion by <br />C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich that initial approval be given the plat and that it <br />now be taken to the county surveyor for his approval before preparation of the final <br />hard copy+ Carried 5-0, <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by 0. Shervheim that the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to <br />sign the contracts with T. A. Schifsky & Sons for the 1971 Road project. Carried 5-0. <br />Clerk instructed to advise the sheriffs office of an ordinanoe-violation at 845 Lake <br />filmo Road. Reportedly they have more than three dogs which requires a kennel license. <br />Also they have horses and do not have the required 20 acres necessary. Building inspector <br />also advised to file a complaint for a garage that has been moved on the property that <br />is not up to code and which does not have a permit. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Abercrombie that the Lions Club of Lake Elmo be issued <br />a special Beer Permit for Saturday & Sunday August 22 & 23, 1971. <br />Motion by 0. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich that the clerk be instructed to pay the bills. <br />He i.s also instructed to review the future invoices from B & E Patrol. Carried 5-0. <br />Ken Sovereegn asked for an abatement on lots which he owns. Originally they were assessed <br />at $60000 and were reduced to $5,100. Mr. Sovereign felt that since the lots were sell- <br />ing at about $4p800 that this should be the full value. Mayor Brockman appointed a <br />committee of Cis. Watson, Shervheim and Abercrombie to review this matter and report <br />back to the council at the next meeting at which time a decision will be reached. <br />Clerk instructed to request William Wacker to out down the weeds on his property at the <br />intersection of 10th & Lake Elmo Road. <br />Clerk instructed to contact Gene Haugen to determine the selling price of the 1�- lots <br />which he contemplated purchasing from Mr. Caulkin.. <br />Council suggested the following names as possible successor to Jack Evert on the <br />planning commission. Leo Raleigh, Bernard Froehner,and F. Franta. 0. Watson to contact <br />them in the order listed above for a new member to the Commission. <br />The Village Assessor submitted the following requests for abatement along with his <br />recommendations based on facts as he sees them: <br />Plate # Name Original Amt, Abetment Amt. <br />24112E,F, G G. Ringwelski $32000.00 $2,335.00 <br />25192B Lake Jane Access Corp. 2,250.00 1,667.00 <br />
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