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Minutes of the take Elmo Village Council —August 24, 1971.,,' <br />Meeting called to order by Mayor Brockman at 7s38PM. <br />Presents Brookman, Friedrich,Watson,Abercrombie,5hervheim,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Also present were Counsel Raleigh and B1dg.Insp. Friedrich. <br />Minutes of the August 3, 1971 meeting approved as distributed. <br />Councilman Shervheim presented Resolution R71-15 accepting the engineering <br />report on the Vittori property and establishing hearing for September 7, 1971. <br />Second by C. Watson. Carried unanimously. <br />Eder Pine Ridge Acres. Mayor read the comments of the Planning Commission. <br />Maynard Eder advised the Council that Warren Forsberg will draw the final <br />plat but asked for preliminary approval so that building on the lot could begin. <br />Mr. Eder agreed to make a deposit of a $l'000 certificate to guarantee completion- <br />of plat. Councilman Watson moved that the council give preliminary approval <br />subiect to deposit of the bond. Second by C. Shervheim. Approved 5-0, <br />Counsel Raleigh read a recommendation on procedure for possible vacation of the <br />old Town Road in Berschen Shores and the disposal, of excess property owned by the <br />Village of Lake Elmo. Mr. & Mrs. Iverson expressed displeasure in the delays of the <br />Uation of the property and advised that they wanted a decision so they could decide <br />where to build their house. Councill informed the Iverson's that action would be <br />taken when the council was convinced that the details of the plan was in the best <br />interest of the citizens of the Village. Counsel Raleigh to make modifications in <br />plan to include the actual vacation procedure. <br />Council reviewed the minutes of the PC relative to the variance as requested <br />by Mr. Wacker for an addition to his home located at the corner of 3rd. & Juniper. <br />The report recommended approval of the variance indicating that it was the best <br />potential use of the corner and that the addition would be an improvement. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Shervheim to approve the variance. Carried 5-0, <br />James Schultz variance was reviewed starting with the recommendation of the P.C. <br />to allow the request. The property on which Mr. Schultz plans to build is limited <br />by developed property and this will probably be the best use of the property. Motion <br />by C. Watson 2nd by C.Shervheim to allow variance. Carried 5-0, <br />Mr. Landra violations to be taken up with Counsel and Bldg. Inspector for <br />action. <br />Mayor reported that he was aware that the Village animal control was operating well <br />inasmuch as his dog had been picked up and he had to make a personal trip and a $10.00 <br />payment to retreive the animal. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich that the clerk be authorized to pay the <br />bills. Carried 5-0, <br />Bldg. Insp. Friedrich advised that Mr. H3lpisch was in violation of Village Ordinance <br />in that he had started to build on the old highway right of way and that he was keeping <br />horses on less than 20 acres. Counsel to send letter. <br />Mr. Haase asked for approval of the Egan Acres Plat," Mr. Haase was informed that he <br />should incorporate the changes listed in the P.C. Highlite Minutes of the August 23, 1971 <br />meeting. Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich to give tentative Plat approval <br />subject to compliance with the changes requested by the P.C. Carried 5-0. <br />