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;Minutes of the rake Elmo pillage Council August 24, 1971 pg. 2. <br />0. 8hervbeim excused at 9:OOPM. <br />Councilman Friedrich instructed to contact the Washington County Highway Dept. and <br />arrange to have Lake Jane Road and 11th Street painted with a centerline and with edge <br />markings. The county had agreed that they would be available on a cost of materials <br />and labor, estimated to be $70. per mile. <br />C. Friedrich asked. the Building Inspector to make sure that where necessary, a culvert <br />is installed before a building permit is released or approved. <br />0. Friedrich presented Resolution R71-16 prohibiting parking on the East side of Kalmia <br />from 6th Street to Highway 212. Second by C. Abercrombie. Resolution passed 4•0 witb <br />C. Shervhei.m absent. <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Abercrombie that Vittori Property as described in the <br />Notice of Hearing published July 15, 1971 in the Stillwater Gazette'be zoned as <br />GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Consideration should be given to obtaining a recording secretary for the P.C. <br />Effort to get a volunteer should be conducted by clerk's office#. <br />Report of shooting in rural areas of the Village. Complaints should be directed to <br />the Washington County Sheriffs Office so that an officer can be sent out when the <br />violation of the village ordinance is actually taking place. <br />Clerk to conduct survey of surrounding communities regarding the method of removing <br />diseased trees from right of way property and also the method used in covering the <br />costs. Is it assessed? Billed? etc.. <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C, Abercrombie to approve 81000016 to be issued to <br />Roto-Rooter Sewer Service. Carried 4-0. <br />Cimarron has requested that the bond required for work to be done on Phase 1 be <br />reconsidered since the work has been completed. Engineer Grover has studied this <br />request and recommended that bond requirement be terminated. Motion by C. Watson <br />2nd by C. Friedrich that the bond of $12,00000 be reduced to zero. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Friedrich to <br />by the Village Assessor. <br />Plate 28054-59 J. Kanfkold <br />26382-0576 <br />0575 D. Swenson <br />26382-038 A. Johnson <br />Motion carried 4-0o <br />approve the following abatements submitted <br />$9,380 <br />to $7,890 <br />19,s775 <br />1o,475 <br />2,000 <br />19700 <br />10$670 <br />102370 <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson to adjourn at lI:OOPM. Carried 4-0, <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />