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08-03-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-03-71 CCM
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N ETING OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAOE COUNCIL AUGUST 31 1971. <br />Meeting -called to order at 700 PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present: Brockman, Friedrich, Watson, Abercrombio,Shervheim, Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Also present: Attorney Raleigh & Engineer Bonestroo. <br />Minutes of the July 20, 1971 approved after changing the Committee studying <br />the Sovereign request to include C. Friedrich and exclude C. Abercrombie. Motion <br />by C. Shervhei.m 2nd by C. Abercrombie. Carried 5-0, <br />The 1971 Budget Committee, which includes the entire Council, has a special <br />meeting schedule for Tuesday, August 31, 1971 in the Village Office at 7:3OPM. <br />Clerk to instruct Edna Beers to remind the members of this meeting. <br />C. Shervheim presented Resolution for the approval to improve certain landscape at the <br />intersection of T.H.94,494, and 694 and asked for its adoption. Second by C. Watson. <br />Resolution carried unanimously. Resolution was assigned No. R-71-12. <br />Mayor reported that Lillie Publications would circulate 3 copies or issues of the <br />Washington County Review in the Village and then solicit subscriptions. If adequate <br />acceptance is received the publication would be continued. If response is poor the <br />publication would be dropped. <br />Request received from Mr. Richard Eldridge for a Sewer Installers License. Reouest <br />included the $15.00 license fee and the Certificate of Insurance. Motion by <br />C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Shervheim to approve request. Carried 5-0. #sI000015 assigned <br />to this license. <br />Clerk instructed to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. G. Wallace at NSP for the <br />•tickets to see the Minnesota Twins on Wednesday, July 28, 1971. Clerk instructed to <br />send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Lyle Fisher VP in charge of Civic Affairs for <br />a most enjoyable day on the 3M facilities in the Village of Lake Elmo on August 2, 1971. <br />The committee of C. Watson, Shervheim and Friedrich reported through their spokesman <br />C. Watson on the recommendation to establish values of the Ken Sovereignn property <br />as follows: Lot 5 Block 2 -- 84s500.00, Lot 2, Block 3 - MP500.00. Lot 39 Block 3- <br />$2,750.00. Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Shervheim to accept the recommendation <br />of the committee. The Village Assessor was instructed to submit the necessary paper- <br />work to carry this out. Carried 5-0. <br />Question asked why the speed zone on Harvester Ave. has been set at 50/60 in the <br />Village of Lake Elmo. It was pointed out that the speeds are established by the <br />State Highway Department. The area East of the Village on Harvrster is 40 because <br />of the School Zone. Councilman Friedrich to check further on this. <br />Mayor Brockman and Wm. Park attended the meeting on Tuesday July 2% 1971, regarding <br />the State Park in the Village of Lake 'Elmo. Also attending were members of the <br />County Board of County Commissioners and members of the Minnesota Park Preserve, <br />Mayor Brockman sensed that members of the Board of County Commissioners would just <br />as soon drop the park idea. It was reported that of 28 landowners in the first area, <br />10-12 did not want to sell their property at this time but did favor a park. Others <br />were avidly against. Mayor Brockman recommended that the Village Council reaffirm <br />its position favoring a state park in •the area. Resolution R71-14 reconfirming the <br />Village position favoring a State Park offered by C. Shervheim and 2nd by C. Watson. <br />Carried unanimously. 5-0. Clerk advised to relay this information to the County <br />and to the Metro Park Preserve (Mr. Hagstrom). Mr. Shervheim will be the representative <br />of the Council •to work with Mr. Schwab of the County on landowner contact. <br />
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