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08-03-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-03-71 CCM
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August 3, 1971 Hearing on the vacation of the Old Town Road in thearea of Berschens <br />Shores Addition not now part of Take ,lane Road. <br />Hearing opened at 7:02PM by Mayor Brockman. Others present-C. Friedrich, C. Watson, <br />C. Abercrombie, C. Shervheim, Treasurer Park, Counsel Raleigh, Clerk Mahsikomer and <br />seven interested citizens (Mr. & Mrs. Iverson, their counsel, Mr. Stewart Wells, <br />Mrs. Howard Walker and Maynard Eder). -� 2 Mrs. Berschens. <br />Clerk read the notice of the hearing and advised that the notice had been duly <br />published and posted as required. <br />Mr..S. Wells speaking for Mr. & Mrs. Iverson suggested that since the road had not <br />been maintained that he felt that something should be done. <br />Maynard Eder suggested that everyone inveaved should b e informed of the following facts: <br />1, The property description in the notice was inadequate. <br />2. That one lot had been omitted from the petition. <br />3. That petition should have been certified by two or more of the owners <br />rather than by signature only. <br />!G. Advised that the notice legally requires 4 publications. Attorney <br />Raleigh suggested that he may have been looking at the wrong statute <br />and that only one publication was required for the vacation hearing. <br />5. Sufficient area (useable) should b e retained for utilities. <br />6. The old Town Board in power at the time the new road was put. in should <br />have made necessary access to road for land owners in the area but failed <br />to do so. <br />Edna Walker suggested that the delaying tactics should be stopped and a decision be <br />made one way or the other. <br />William Park said that a precident may have been set in that, the West part of the road <br />was vacated but that the East portion was not. <br />Maynard Eder objected to giving any village property away. <br />Mrs. Walker wanted to know who was giving anything away. It was her understanding <br />that the Village if they vacated the road may consider selling the parcels between the <br />old and the new road. <br />Council confirmed that they had no intention of giving anything away. <br />Mayor Brookman three times called for any additional interested parties that wanted to <br />be heard on the matter to speak up. No additional comments were received andthe Mayor <br />closed the hearing with the comment that a decision would be reached and the interested <br />and involved citizens advised within 30 days. <br />Mrs. Howard Walkers new address is Route 2, Box 56, Baldwin,, Wisconsin 54002 and <br />asked that her notice be sent to her at that address. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />
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