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MlkTES OF TIDE LAXE nMO VILLAOt COUNCIL Aug. 30 1971 page 3. <br />Names betong appeared at the request of the Council. He reportedly had on two occasions <br />done building without the benefit of a building permit. Mr. DeLong admitted his guilt <br />adn asked the Council what was required at this point. It was the feeling of the Council <br />that taking the matter to court would do no more than what had already been accomplished <br />and advised Mr. DeLong to take out the necessary permits and to make sure +that any future <br />construction is done in accordance with regulations. Above action covered in a motion <br />by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson. Carried, 5-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim, 2nd by C. Friedrich that bills be paid. Carried 5-0. <br />The Snowmobile Ordinance will be discussed at the Council Meeting on September 21, 1971. <br />Matter should be published so that anyone wanting to be heard on the subject will b e <br />aware of the meeting. <br />The minutes of the Planning Commission regarding Mr. Novak were read. The Planning <br />Commission requested that the Village Council, send a letter to Mfrs. Stedt advising <br />her that if she were to sell lot 11 she would have to retain 35 feet to make her lot <br />frontage 125 feet. Legal Counsel pointed out that the permit to build on lot 10 for <br />the Stedtos was given to them on the basis of lot 10 only. At the time the permit was <br />issued the Stedtos did not own lot 11 and as a result the Village can not force Mrs. Stedt <br />to retain any additional footage beyond the 901 in the original lot 10 should she choose <br />to sell lot 11. <br />Reroad vacation: No action taken at this time. Counsel Raleigh will check what we <br />should retain for utilities easement and what easement we need if property is sold <br />to lake shore land owners. <br />Clerk advised to contact Mr. Jim Olsen financial consultant with the details on the <br />sanitary and storm sewer hearing and ask him to attend the August 17, 1971 meeting to <br />discuss the details. <br />Notion by C. Friedrich 2nd by C. Shorvheim that snowplowing and grading be billed to <br />Baytown at $18.00 per hour, the other work items would be billed at the 1970 rates. <br />Carried 5-0. Clerk instructed to issue invoice. <br />Motion by C. Friedrich, 2nd by 0. Shervheim that the meeting be adjourned at 11:15 PM. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />