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10-19-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-19-71 CCM
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MTNUTRS OF T143 LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING -- October 19, 1971. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present: Brookman, Friedrich, Watson, Shervheim, Park and Mehsikomer. <br />Absent: Abercrombie. Also present: Counsel Raleigh, Building Inspector Friedrich <br />and Plumbing Inspector John Mueller. <br />Minutes of the October 5th. meeting were amended to show that the meeting was not <br />adjourned but recessed until Tuesday, October 12, 1971 at 7:30PM in the Village <br />office at which time meeting was reconvened. Motion by C. Watson, 2nd by C. Shervheim <br />that the minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Shervheim that the Oakdale Recreation Group thru <br />Mr. Al. Coggin be given permit to dispense 3.2 beer for a party at the Lake Elmo <br />VFW Hall on October 23, 1971. Carried. <br />Charles Taylor in behalf of the Tri-Lakes Assn, advised that the naming of streets <br />in the area was completed and asked that the Village reimburse the Assn, for a <br />share of the costs involved in installing redwood sign posts approved instead of the <br />standard posts. Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Shervheim that Village approve an <br />expenditure of $181.00 if the Tri-Lakes Assn. will accept responsibility .for maintain- <br />ing the signs for a period of 15 ,years. Failure to maintain would result in there <br />being replaced with the conventional signs by the Village. Motion carried. <br />Clerk asked if the Council wanted to change the meeting date since the next meeting <br />conflicted with the Village Election. Council recommended that the clerk hold back <br />on adding items to the agenda and the early part of the meeting would be held in <br />the Village Office starting at the regular time. <br />Clerk reported that unburned and burning ash was seen coming from the chimney at <br />the Leitte Building. Clerk instructed to write to Mr. Oace with a copy to Mr. Leitte <br />advising if they are to use the burner as an incinerator appropriate alterations are <br />required. <br />C. Shervheim presented Resolution R 71-22 covering preliminary approval of plans for <br />Trunk Highway 94 from 494/694 to the St. Croix River and asked for its approval. <br />Second by C. Watson. Resolution passed unanimously 4-0 with C. Abercrombie absent. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim, 2nd by C. Watson that the Council endorse the guidelines <br />for observance of a safe and sane Halloween on Sunday October 31, 1971. Local naners <br />to carry these guidelines. Carried. <br />Camp Fire Girls have requested use of the Village Hall and the Fire Hall for a carnival. <br />The Council. approved the use of the Village Hall but instructed C. Shervheim to check <br />with the fire chief to determine.'status of the fire hall and based on this information <br />to make a determination and advise Camp Fire Girls of decision. <br />Barton Contracting appeared at the request of the Council. regarding renewal of the <br />Special Use Permit for removal of gravel from the Richert property. Barton advised <br />that 75-80,000 tons still remained. Motion by C. Watson, 2nd by C. Friedrich that <br />renewal be given for one year with the stipulation that all material be used during <br />the term of this permit as it would not be renewable in October of 1972. Motion <br />carried: Fee $100.00. <br />Charles Grant was told that as long as he was planning a commercial venture at the <br />old lumber company office, that a special use permit was not required. He had the <br />Councils blessings for use as a furniture outlet. <br />continued-- <br />
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