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MINUTES OF THE LAM, VIMO VILLAIE COUNCIL MEETING -w- October 19, 1,971 __ page 2. <br />Discussion on a snowmobile ordinance. Council, agreed to accept the basic state code <br />with the following revisions: Speed limit 20 MPH. Hours of operation in residential <br />area, 7 AM to 11PM on Sunday thru Thirsday and from 7AM to 1AM on Friday and Saturday. <br />After these hours operation in residential areas on Village Streets is limited to 5 MPH. <br />This also applies within 3001 of any residence. Operators under the age of 14 are not <br />allowed to ride on or across Village Streets. Counsel to prepare a final draft for <br />presentation at the next Council meeting. <br />Top 20 represented by Jim Gergen, John Meul,ler and Gene Swanson asked the Council <br />to consider the assessment on property they own. They explained that property was <br />acquired with the idea of preventing misuse of the property. Lots are part of Lanes <br />Demontreville Country Club. Assessor Park advised that he would see that the Top 20 <br />received proper abatement forms which they could submit thru channels. Group asked <br />to have the Village Engineer stake out the extension of Dempsy Ave. Council advised <br />that this should be handled by an independent surveyor. <br />John Mueller asked the Village Council to consider an oil burner and air eonditior9ng <br />ordinance. <br />Bldg. Insp. Friedrich asked who determines whether or not a culvert is required. <br />Council advised that it was his decision and if there was any doubt he should contact <br />Village Engineer for assistance. Bldg. Tnsp. asked to review permit rates and report, <br />back to the Council <br />Motion by C. Shervheim,2nd by C. Watson that the Council accept the recommendation <br />of the Planning Commission regarding: <br />1. Special use permit for movement of a barn to the Hilpisch property with <br />the stipulation that building be put on a foundation no later than July 1. 1972. <br />2. Approve a special use permit to keep 1 sheep and 2 horses on the <br />Hilpisch property. Term of permit 1 year. Motion carried. <br />Motion by C. Watson, 2nd by C. Shervhei.m that Council endorse the recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission re lots in the Dusty Lane area. <br />1. The Canfield lot is unbuildable prior to the availability of water and <br />sewer utilities. <br />2. The F. Hoffman tract, due to the character of the land and the existing <br />conditions is unbuildable until sewer is available. <br />3. All remaining tracts owned by E. Friedrich must be platted prior to any <br />building permit approvals. <br />4. The three 10011ots owned by Mr. Nierson should be into 2 equal lots <br />before permits are issued. Motion carried. <br />Council asked that -the clerk include comments of the Council regarding the acceptance <br />of the way the Planning Commission was operating in determining the status of open lots <br />remaining in different plats throughout the Village. This progressive approach will <br />make it easier for all concerned. <br />The committee (Friedrich, Watson & Shervhei.m) reported that the curbing at Twin Point <br />Tavern had been checked out and that in general it was acceptable. The opening on <br />Kalmi.a was to be moved approx. 81 North and some of the curbing was to be increased in <br />size. Modification should be completed in a short time. <br />October 30, 1971 has been established as a second clean up day in the Village. <br />Truck Truck for all kinds of rubbish except, tires will be parked on the lot adjacent to the <br />fire hall from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. <br />