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10-05-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-05-71 CCM
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Minutues of the Lake Elmo Village Council -- October 5, 1971 <br />Meeting called to order at 8.-PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present: Brookman, Friedrich, Watson, Abercrombie, Shervheim, Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Also present: Bldg. Insp. Friedrich, Counsel Raleigh & Engineer Bonestroo. <br />Correspondence read and following action ordered: <br />White Bear Lake Chamber of Commerce asked the Village of Lake Elmo agree to celebrate <br />the holiday of Halloween on the 31 of October. Since the date falls on Sunday they wanted <br />to have all the communities celebrating on the same date. Motion by C. Watson, 2nd by <br />C. Abercrombie that the Village of Lake Elmo agrees to celebrate Halloween on Sunday <br />October 31., 1971 and that the clerk notify the White Bear Chamber of Commerce on this <br />action. Carried 5-0. <br />Assessor & Mayor advised of the meeting on assessing that is required by law and that <br />the date of said meeting is October 14, 1971 at 9:OOAM at the county courthouse. <br />Letter from Dori Pepper regarding the requirements of new plats was read and clerk <br />instructed to send copy to the Planning Commission. <br />Received letter from the Metropolitan Council advising that Washington County was <br />making application for HUD funds and that the Village had 10 days to make comment to <br />the attached letter. Clerk noted that no attachment was received and that a request <br />had been made for the Metro Council to send us a copy of the missing correspondence <br />so that we could comment after we knew what comments were necessary and requested. <br />Letter from Barton Contracting asking that they have their Special Use Permit to <br />remove gravel from their stockpile extended Xor another year as they have not used all <br />the material and they still have contractural work requiring additional. gravel. It was <br />reported that additional material has been stockpiled and that this is in violation <br />of the Special Use Permit. The Clerk was directed to write Barton Contracting and have <br />them appear at the next Council meeting relative to this matter. <br />Requests for Gas Installers Licenses were received from 2 firms. Thomas A. Olson for <br />Ron Granger Plumbing & Heating and Will_Krinkie of the Snelling Co. Council asked that <br />these be passed on to John Mueller and ask that he determine if they are qualified <br />according to the Ordinance. Decision on approval of these licenses would be based on <br />John's report. <br />Letter from the State of Minnesota Insurance Division advising that if the Village of <br />Lake Elmo wants to participate in the State -Aid Aonortionment for firemen's relief that <br />they should file the Audit Report. Firechief Bjorkman and Counsel Raleigh advised that <br />this matter would be taken care of. <br />Letter from Bonestroo Engineering advising that the curbing around the Twin Point Parking <br />Lot was not according to instructions. Otto points out that the opening on the north end <br />onto Kalmia Ave., was supposed to be at the pole whereas it is 50 ft north of the pole. <br />Also the opening is in excess of the maximum which was limited to 22 ft. Engineer <br />suggested that the Council personally check this out to make sure that it is not objection- <br />able. Committee of Friedrich (Chairman), Watson & Shervhei.m are appointed to review <br />and determine action to be taken. Clerk instructed to send copies of Eng, letter to each <br />member of the committee. <br />Letter from Engineer regarding the drainage on the Hoffman lot on Dusty Lane. Engineer <br />recommends that if a building permit is requested and issued we should get a drainage <br />easement along the entire east -west side of the lot .for water conveyance. Letter to <br />be referred to the Planning Commission. <br />
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