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10-05-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-05-71 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council. _- October 5, 1971. page 2. <br />Letter from Engineer regarding 9.5 acres of land lying South of llth. St. & "West of <br />Geranium that could get landlocked without proper development of •the area. Clerk <br />instructed to turn letter, over to Planning Commission. <br />Letter from Engineer advising that the appropriate method ofextending water to the <br />proposed Hagberg Country Store is along Hwy. 212 to the center of the building. Line <br />should incorporate an 8" cast 'iron pipe. Estimated cost of the improvement or extension <br />is $$3,000, <br />Letter from Engineer advising that Village should consider seal coating on the following <br />streets during 1972. Eleventh St., Eagle Point Road North of KW. 212, Lake Jane Drive <br />North of Lake Jane Rd., Lake Jane Road from Lake Olson to Lake Jane Drive, Harvester <br />Road West of Rd. 80 and McNeely Road from 15 to 17. The estimated cost for budget <br />purposes was $$12,000.00. Clerk instructed to include the amount in the 1972 budget. <br />Mr. Jack Johnson advised the Council that because of delays he was not able to proceed <br />with •the bowling alley at this time but that he planned to pursue •this in the spring. <br />He &sked the Council for direction so that he would not be faced with the same -delays <br />encountered this year. Counsel Raleigh recommended that he proceed with the hearing <br />for a special use permit. A committee of Watson(Chairman), Shervheim, Abercrombie and <br />Raleigh review the Village development program and determine appropriate direction. <br />Jack Johnson will be advised what action he will be required to take. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Charbonneau appeared before the Council and advised that they were being <br />unfairly taxed. Request for abatement was not fruitful. They felt that they should <br />present their own story. Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Abercrombie that the County <br />Assessor's Office be requested to review this assessment and say if they agree with <br />or, disagree with the Village Assessor and to what extent. Motion carried 5-0, Council <br />advised Mr. Charbonneau that he would be advised what would happen and when. <br />Tom Backstrom of Cimarron appeared and asked if the Council was aware of the vandalism <br />•that had been taking place in the park area. The main building has been broken into <br />twice in the past several months with about $$3 to $4,000.00 damage each time. New <br />buildings have also been vandalized with all t be furnishings slashed. Mavor advised <br />that Council was attempting to coordinate the police and Washington County Service and <br />determine more exactly what is being done and what can be done to help this type of <br />condition throughout. the Village. <br />Clerk submitted a budget and after it was reviewed and several items completed it <br />resulted in a total budget of $15:9,315.00. Anticipated revenue from other than Real <br />Estate Taxes amounted to $62,454. Local mil rate would remain the same as far 1971 <br />and would bring the Village approx. $99,850.00. Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C.Shervheim <br />to approve budget. Motion carried 5-0. Copy of budget available in clerk's office for <br />examination. <br />C. Abercrombie advised that the cost of lowering the :lights and carpeting floor would <br />cost less than $2,000 and moved that he be authorized to proceed. 2nd by 0. Shervheim <br />and a final vote of 5-0 in favor. <br />C. Abercrombie resented the following resolutions and asked for their adoption: <br />1. R 71-2A Parallel parking on County 19.; <br />2. R 71-2B Approval of Rd Plans submitted by County: <br />3. R 71-20 Village County agreement for Federal Funds useage on proposed county rd. <br />Second by C. Shervheim and an unanimous favorable vote of the Council <br />
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