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ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS <br />Sealed bids will be received by the Village of Lake Elmo, Minnesota in the Village <br />hall until 2:00 P.M., C.S.T. on Monday, November 1, 1971, at which time they will <br />be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and <br />all else necessary for the following: <br />1971 - SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - CROSSTOWN SITE <br />935 Lin.ft. 15" R.C.P. Sanitary Sewer <br />630 Lin.ft. 42" R.C.P. Storm Sewer <br />and related items. <br />Plans and specifications, proposal forms and contract documents may be seen at the <br />office of the Village Clerk, Lake Elmo and at the office of Bonestroo, Rpsene, <br />Anderlik & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 2335 W. Trunk Highway 36, <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55113. <br />Each bid shall be accompanied by a bidder's bond naming the Village of Lake Elmo <br />( as obligee, certified check payable to the Clerk of the Village of Lake Elmo or a <br />cash deposit equal to at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, which <br />shall be forfeited to the Village in the event that the bidder fails to enter into <br />a contract. <br />The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest <br />bidders for a period not to exceed 30 days after the date and time set for the open- <br />ing of bids. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the <br />date and time set for the opening of bids. <br />Payment for the work will be by cash or check. <br />Contractors desiring a copy of the plans and specifications and proposal forms may <br />obtain them from the office of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc., upon <br />payment of a deposit of $10.00, all of which will be refunded to all bona fide bid- <br />ders, providing said plans and specifications are returned in good condition within <br />fifteen (15) days after the date set for the opening of bids. A bona fide bidder <br />is one who actually signs and submits a bid. No money will be refunded to any per- <br />son who obtains plans and specifications and does not submit a bid to the Owner. <br />The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregu- <br />larities and informalities therein and further reserves the right to award the con- <br />tract to the best interests of the Village. <br />Donald Mehsikomer, Village Clerk <br />Village of Lake Elmo <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />