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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VTI,IA.GE COUNCIL MUTING NOU,MBER 16, 1971. <br />Meeting called to order at '7:35PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:.Brookman, Shervheim, Friedrich, Abercrombie, Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Absent: Watson <br />Also present: Engineer Bonestroo, Counsel Raleigh. <br />Wm. Lundquist, M. Eder, F. Pott, E. Tomljanovich and T. Torseth of the Planning <br />Commission presented a proposal for a gravel pit ordinance, using the county code <br />as a guide. A number of items were subject to revision to make them applicable to the <br />Village. PC asked if they should pursue the idea.. The members of the council unanimously <br />endorsed the idea and asked the PC to work up a final draft for council consideration. <br />Clerk instructed to initiate necessary request for the hearing on a Special Use for <br />the fire department to install a 70' antennae for their radio system. <br />A letter was read from Mrs. Ray Schneider relative to a problem of car damage she <br />encountered as a result of having to yield right of way for village equipment. Clerk <br />advised to include Mrs. Schneider -to the next council meeting and have Elmer Richert <br />on hand to enable the council to get all the details and make a determination of action <br />required. Set this on agenda for 8:00 PM. <br />LeRoy Rossow and 12 other members of the Tablyn Park area appeared before the council <br />and renewed their request that Southhill Drive does not change to 29th. St. and that <br />Southhill Place does not change to 28th St. Mr. Klohn speaking :for bis wife who was <br />on the committee appointed to work with the county on this project advised that the <br />county surveyor agreed that this particular street was different in nature in that it <br />ran in all four directions and that he would not dispute this change. Council spread to <br />let the old names stand and the surveyor's office would be notified of the action of <br />the council by the clerk. This action covered in motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich <br />and approved unanimously by the council. <br />The Frank Hoffman again appeared relative to a Special request for a Variance to allow <br />them to sell their 100ox24OI lot as a buildable lot and 'the basis for the request was <br />hardship. Minimum frontage required in this area is 1251. C. Shervheim made a recommen- <br />dation that this matter be turned over to the Village Development Committee consisting <br />of C. Wa•tson.•Chairman, C. Shervheim and C. Abercrombie for an on sight inspection. <br />Planning Commission thru Mr. F. Pott to be notified of date and time of the inspection <br />as well as the Hoffmans. This matter would then be reviewed at the next council meeting <br />for a final. decision. <br />Mr. F. Zwar appeared relative to approval of the division of 12.65 acres into two lots, <br />one of 5 acres the other of 7.65 acres. Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Abercrombie <br />that plat be approved subject to the dedication of an easement'or a deed for 33, on the <br />West side of the property for possible roadway and also subject to an accentable plan <br />for the placement of buildings on the property. Motion carried 3-0 with C. Tri_edrich <br />abstaining and C. Watson absent. <br />Engineer reported that the road in Dawci.n acres is under construction but that the <br />weather will have to hold to get it completed this fall. An elevation reading of the <br />property at the corner of 3rd and ,Juniper showed that a high spot about 61, over average <br />existed at the boundary between lumber company and VFW property. Possible arrangements <br />can be made to correct this for this season. <br />