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11-16-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-16-71 CCM
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Meeting of the lake Elmo Village Council November 16, 1971. ng, 2 <br />Dick Johnson asked the council what action had been taken adoption of a waste <br />disposal ordinance. Original report was reviewed and clerk instructed to include this <br />item on the agenda of the second meeting in January. Publicity should be given so that <br />interested citizens may have an opportunity to be heard. Mr.. Johnson will be invited to <br />attend this meeting and help explain his proposals if necessary. <br />Report from the Village Engineer Bonestroo's Office with a recommendation on supol.emental <br />equipment for use with the new village truck for plowing and sanding. Motion by C. Friedrich <br />2nd by C. Shervheim that we approve the purchase of a Wausau 11h2RB-R plow with the <br />4000H hitch,from Itasca Equipment Co. .for $1,752.00, Price to include installation and <br />to approve purchase of a Swenson Model VA110 spreader complete with controls from <br />Chas. Olson & Sons installed at a cost of $1075.9 7. Carried 4-0, <br />Motion by C. .Abercrombie second by C. Friedrich that the report of the election judges <br />be certified as received. Carried 4-0. <br />Results of election- 604. votes cast. <br />Mayor Councilman <br />Brookman 30h. Shervheim 481 <br />Eder 299 J. Eder 116 <br />no vote 1 Ed,Stevens 1 <br />Bernard Froehner l <br />no vote 5 <br />Elected for Mayor for 1972-1973 Calvin Brookman. <br />Elected for Councilman for 1972,1973, & 1974 Lloyd Shervheim. <br />Resolution R71- presented by C. Abercrombie prohibiting parking on the Fast side of <br />Lake Elmo Road between 3rd and 4th Streets between the hour of 2-00 and 3-00 PM on <br />Monday thru Friday to reserve area for a children walkway when returning home from <br />school and asked for its adoption. Second by C. Shervheim and approved by the council. 4-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich that the clerk be instructed to pay the <br />bills. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Abercrombie that Ordinance #107 governing the use of <br />Snowmobiles in the Village of Lake Elmo be accepted. Motion carried. 4--0. Cl-rk <br />instueted to send copies of the ordinance to all members of the council so they have it <br />available to answer specific questions. <br />Mayor suggested that the council consider -the establishment of two new committees made <br />up of interested citizens. One committee would study the park plan and make suggestions <br />and recommendations on the course of action to be taken in the village in the immediate <br />and distant future. The second committee would study the comprehensive sewer plan approved <br />by the council and make a determination on how soon and how this program should be <br />implemented. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie that the regular On Sale and the SUNDAP ON SALE liquor license <br />for Tartan Park be approved 2nd. C. Friedrich. Carried h-O. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie that the ON SALE liquor license for the Lake Elmo VFW Post 5725 <br />be renewed and approved for 1.972, 2nd by C. Friedrich and carried 4-0. <br />
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