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MINUTES OF THE LAKE: ELMO VILLAGE COUNCTL MEETING NOVEMB>!'d;'. 2$ 1971. pg. 2 <br />Mayor referred the matter to the Development Committee (Watson, Abercrombie and <br />Shervheim- Watson Chairman) .for review with instructi.ons to report back to the Council <br />meeting November 16, 1971. Complete set of the file to be sent to each member of <br />this committee on Nov. 3 sure <br />A group of residents in Tablyn Park appeared relative to the street names for their <br />area. Mrs. Klohn who represented this area on the original committee was asked to <br />review this matter with the residents of the area and with the County Surveyors <br />Office and report back to the Council. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich that the mayor and clerk be authorized <br />to sign the contract for the Dawcin Acres Road Project with Tower Asphalt the <br />successful bidder on the project. Carried. <br />Dick Johnson asked if the Council had made any final decision regarding a waste <br />disposal ordinance which was submitted some time ago by a committee which he chaired. <br />Council advised that no final action had been taken and instructed the clerk to <br />include on the agenda for the November 16, 1971 meeting and advise Mr. Johnson of <br />the time the matter is to be brought up so that he will be present. <br />C. Friedrich requested that the village engineer shoot an elevation at the lumberyard <br />entry on 3rd and Juniper •to determine if the normal flow of drainage has been affected. <br />Change of elevation could result in water problems in the spring. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich that copies of the minutes of the <br />village council meeting be made available to the press after they have been approved <br />by the council. Carried. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich that clerk be ordered to pay the bills. <br />Motion carried. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich that the request .for a Sewer Installers <br />License be approved for Lorne Gallati Jr. Carried. <br />SI 000019 was adsigned to this license. <br />Clerk posted the results <br />FOR MAYOR <br />BROOKMAN 304 <br />Eder 299 <br />no vote 1 <br />Total vote cast 604. <br />of the Village Election: <br />FOR COUNCILMAN <br />STIERVIIEIM 481 <br />EDER 116 <br />ED STEVENS 1 <br />B. FROEHIVR 1 <br />no vote 5 <br />Motion by C. Friedrich 2nd by C. Abercrombie that we accept the bid of T. A. Sebifsky & <br />Sons of $4.00 per ton FOB North St. Paul for Salt -Sand for winter of 1971-72. Carried. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich that meeting be adjourned at 10-IOPM. Carried. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />