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DEC. :" <br />Minutes of the hake :Elmo Village Council Meeting X=:� 1971 pg.3 <br />1.Prior to issuance of a building permit the owners of the subject property <br />shall grant to the Village of Lake Elmo by easement, or dedication with <br />right of reversion, a 33' tract of land for road and utilities which tract <br />would be the Westerly 33' of the subject land. <br />2.Defore a building permit will be issued a survey is to be filed with the <br />Village Clerk dividing the property into the new lots required. <br />3.The building permit shall be only for a house located on the Westerly <br />lot approximately 150' South of the North line and approximately 50' West <br />of the East line. <br />Second to motion by C.Shervheim after discussion and consideration of the <br />evidence presented by Mr. Z'war and Mr. Rohde, as well as evidence submitted <br />at earlier hearings, and upon a vote being taken,the Council voted. xnxnzmxffi <br />unanimously to grant the variance subject to the conditions listed above. <br />The resolution regarding the Hwy 94 corridor to be scheduled for the <br />Council meeting on January q, 1972. Copy of res. to engineer. <br />Motion by C«Watson 2nd by C.Shervheim that, in acc.ordince with the apps�isors <br />report price be established based on cost. of RRtHkI±Hh±Egx preparing the <br />tract for sale plus 10% with. Berschens be exempt from any cost. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C.. Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson that Clerk be ordered.& authorized <br />to pay the bills. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson that the meeting adjourn at 11:35PM. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Take :Elmo, Minnesota <br />