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Minutes of the Fake 21mo Village Oouncii-4�24 1971 cont'd pg.2 <br />Mr.. & Mrs. Drank Hoffman appeared regarding their request for a hardship <br />variance to permit the building of a house on a lot owned by them. The <br />subject lot has only a 100' frontage instead of the required 125. Council <br />man Shervheim moved that the requested variance be denied in accordance <br />with the recommendation of the planning commission for the reason set forth <br />in the planning commission's report and on the grounds that: (1) The <br />Hoffmans purchased the lot while knowing thata building xmx±kxpxxi±2xlar_ <br />ZN.%XXXX4RXXXIXK permit could not be issued for a lot of that size, and (2) <br />Because building on the particular lot in question would be unreasonable <br />and would adversely affect the existing or potential useof adjacent land <br />because the Land. in question carries g substantial amounts of surface <br />water from time to time, and construction thereon prior to the installation <br />of storm sewer would. in all lilglihood cause damage to the structure built <br />thereon and flooding in adjacent areas. The motion was 2nd'd by C.Watson <br />after extensive discussion and consideration of the evidence presented <br />by Hoffmans on earlier appearances as well as other evidence brought be- <br />fore the cauncil, a vote was taken end -the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs.Ray Schneider appeared before the Council relative to damage to her <br />automobile caused by windrows of dirt & rock caused as part of the grading <br />operation. Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Aberorombie that clerk determine <br />if this is covered by insurance and if not authorized, payment of the bill_ <br />by the Village. Carried 5-0. <br />Clerk instructed to advise the news media to publish an article that the <br />Village has an ordinance covering parking on Village streets and that <br />during the snow season ears will be ticketed and possibly hauled away. <br />Clerk to arrange for a meeting between Ben GorkatNorm Schwattz, Mayor <br />Brockman and C.Shervheim for Thursday December 9 at 11:45AM at the Village <br />Office to discuss the snowmobile problem after hours. Copies of the ord- <br />inance to be made available for posting at both establishments. <br />Mr. Frederick Zwar,, agent for Mrs. E.Sanft, appeared regarding the request <br />of Mrs. Sanft for variance from the requirements of the zoning and subdiv- <br />ision ordinances to permit division of Mrs. Sanft's property into two <br />residential lots in excess of five acres each. The property in question <br />is in the NWT of the SWt of section 14, to the North of Meadowlark Lane. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Rhode,Jr., prospective purchasers of the property also <br />appeared. <br />I?io by C.Abercrombie that the variance be pranted subject to the con- <br />0 s listed below, as recommended by the Planning Commission for the <br />reasons stated in the Planning Commission's report on the grounds that: <br />1:.The subdivision is of small size and minot .importance and situated in a <br />locality where conditions are well defined because off the residential <br />structures built to -the South & East of the property in question:. <br />2.Because of the physical conditions of the property, strict compliance <br />with these regulations would cause an exceptional & undue hardship on the <br />owner, while granting of the variance does not in any way have a detriment- <br />aleffect on the public welfare. The variance will. not impair -the intent and <br />purpose of the subdivision ordinance, for future subdivision can be carried <br />out in strict conformity with the existing codes provided the following <br />conditions are met. <br />The conditions of the variances are: <br />