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03-21-72 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-21-72 CCM
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MEETING OF THE LAKE RLMO VILLAGE COUNCIL March 21, 1972 <br />Mting called -to order at 7:33PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Shervheim,Friedrich,Aberox-ombie,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Absent:Friedrich. <br />Also present:Atty Raleigh;Engineer Bonestroo & Bldg Insp. B.Friedrich. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson that minutes of the March 791972 <br />meeting be approved as submitted. Carried 4-0, <br />Question raised whether Village employee should attend the waterworks school„ <br />Motion by C.Shwrvheim 2nd by C.Watson that decision be left up to C,Abe.ry <br />crombie since this segment of village activity is under his direction. <br />Motion carried. 4-0. <br />Correspondence was read and ordered filed. <br />C.Abercrombie moved that Ordinance 11.9 be approved as amended (file copy <br />available for review at office of the clerk) 2nd by C.Shervheim. Carried 4/0. <br />Much discussion on whether the village should "purchase a tractor and a mower <br />or should we contract out to have this done. A bid (verbal ) was received <br />from Mr. John Beulow advising that he would cut weeds for $$10,00/hour and <br />supply the equipment. Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Shervheim that we delay <br />purchasing any equipment and award the contract to John Beulow. Carried 4/0. <br />Cross Roads Ford represented byrk XXk asked that the village issue <br />the building permit to start construction on the new 65,532 sq.ft. building <br />which is to be located in section 32. band has been rezoned and sewer pipe <br />laid through the property in anticipation of the final plans. Two copies <br />of semi -complete plans were presented and approved by the Village Engineer, <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.A.bercrombie to approve the permit. Carried 4/0 <br />The permit application was turned over to the building inspector with inst- <br />ructions to issue -the permit, <br />Merl Zarbok and several other residents on. Minneha.ha and Washington Cty <br />Rd. 15 appeared regarding the appooved trap & skeet range to be installed <br />on the Tartan Park Property, Although hearings had been held these people <br />claimed no previous knowledge of said installation. Mayor explained that <br />this matter had been resolved once and that a special use permit was issued <br />and the council would at least give 3M -the opportunity to use the range <br />before ang consideration to revoke the permit. Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd <br />by C.Watson that 3M be made aware of the objections to this facility. <br />Motion carried 4/0, <br />Fire chief Bjorkman discussed the fire school and asked the council for <br />direction:. Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson that chief determine <br />two firemen to attend the school and further he should determine the xxxxx <br />course each should take. $$500.00 approved for expenses and time off from <br />work. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by O.Watson 2nd by O.Shervheim to instruct the engineer to prepare <br />plans for the hose drying addition to the fire hall. Motion carried 4-0, <br />Dick Johnson advised that he had attended meeting regarding the Battle <br />Creek Drainage area. Dick reported that a previous study had been made ata. <br />cost of $$5,000, paid by the city of St. Paul. A more complete study is now <br />required which will cost up to $$10,000. The cost to be shared by the com- <br />raunities contributing to the runoff into the Battle Creek Drainage Area. <br />C.Abercrombie presented a resolution (R-72- G) regarding approval of a <br />Joint Powers Act for a study of the Battle Creek Drainage Area and asked <br />for its approval. Carried 4-0 with C.1'riedrich absent. <br />
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