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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL IWEE'.CING MARCH 2191972 cont'd pg 2 <br />Discussion regarding permit rates was held over 'to be discussed at the next <br />meeting. Bldg Insp. to try and determine what surrouding communities are <br />aoing in regard to the charges recommended by the state. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Abercrombie that Counsel be instructed to pre. <br />pare an ordinance for adoption of the Uniform Bldg Code as accepted by -the <br />State of Minnesota. Carried 4-0. _ <br />Bidg.Insp.Friedr.ich suggested that we include in the building code a pro- <br />vision prohibiting moving a building into the village that is over 10 years <br />I1d. Further that an inspection fee of $25.00 be established along with. a <br />i00 per mile charge be added to cover the costs incurred of -the bldg.insg. <br />Treasurer Bill 'Park requested that the engineer be instructed to prepare the <br />assessment roles for the sewer and Dawein Acres projects. So ordered. <br />Counsel Raleigh will advise Jim Olson of Juran & Moody regarding this and <br />also to bear in mind that some of the property involved falls under the <br />Green Acres rtling. <br />Bids were received from T A Schifsky & Sons and from Mike MoPhillips, Inc. <br />for sweeping the Village Streets. McPhillips quoted $22.00/hr and Schi.fsky <br />$20.00/hr. Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson that award for sweeping <br />the village strsets be awarded to T.A.Schifsky based on his supplying the <br />village- a certificate of insurance.. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson to approve payment of the bills. <br />carried 4-0. <br />C.Robert Watson made his appointment to the Park & Recreation..Advisory <br />Board. Curtis Jr. <br />/2701 Shore Drive <br />North St. Paul, Minnesota <br />55109. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake E1mo,IVlinnesota <br />