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AGENDA -- VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLA.GF OF LAKE FLMO <br />LAKE ELMO, MF7M SOTA 550h2 <br />COUNCIL MEETING SFLD TUFSDAY, APRI.L 18, 1972. <br />4Pleasehe cck note belo,c <br />7:30 P. M. - Meeting Called to rder. <br />--- Bob Davidson of Pemtom and Tom Sackstrom of <br />__ Donald Anderson-«122 Windsor Court- New Brighton, Minn. <br />df Please Note. <br />Meeting will be called at 7:00 P.M. and the first half hour, <br />Pebble Park, Govt. Lot 7 will be toured for inspection. <br />ITEMS FOR DffSCUSSTON <br />