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04-18-72 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-18-72 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 18, 1972 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:42PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Shervheim(late),Friedrich,Wbercrombie,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Absent:Watson. <br />Also present:Counsel Raleigh & Bldg. Insp. Friedrich. <br />Mayor requested that the minutes of the April 40972 Council Meeting be <br />/"amended in line 4 paragraph 2,insert the word is after the word involved <br />so sentence reads"Mr. Monson was advised that when the deed is completed <br />and filed showing the property involved is back in his name the village <br />will send another letter to the commissioner etc." <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich that minutes of the April 4, <br />1972 meeting be approved as amended. Carried 3-0. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedr.ich that the Village Council <br />approve the amendment to the Lake Elmo Fire Department Relief. Association's. <br />articles of incorporation ;section 2 determining ±xx years of service as <br />approved by the governing body of that association. Carried 3-0. <br />Clerk advised that he had been approached by Ed Heimel of the Twin City <br />Area Urban Corp regarding the possibility of the Village of Lake Elmo <br />hiring one of the available students for the summer. Cost to the Village <br />30% of his $1200 salary for 12 weeks. Clerk advised to arrange for a meeting, <br />with Mr. Heimel on April 260 1972 at 11:30AIW to discuss matter in more de- <br />tail.. <br />Motion by C.Friedrich 2nd by C..Aberc.rombie that Dorothy Lyons be appointed <br />as a member of the Planning Zoning Commission. Carried 3-0. <br />RatixRxxiAmax Bob Davidson representing Pemtom presented a report relative <br />to the footings under the mobile homes at. Cimarron. After some discussion <br />it was agreed that the Village would extend the. Special Use Permit for six <br />months during which time d record of the levels at the time of installation., <br />a shhoting of the piers at certain intervals with load on them. Records <br />should include some old and some new installations with. Otto Bonestroo to <br />determine the number that would he meaningful. Commitment was made that <br />as of now any house not level would be put in level. The extension of the <br />Special Use Permit for 6 months was covered in a motion by C. Ab4rerombie <br />and seconded by C. Friedrich. Carried 3-0, <br />Motion. by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Friedrich that a variance be granted to <br />Donald Anderson so that .lot 1 of the xxs9txx±xFIx± Donald Anderson 2nd <br />Addition would be a buildable lot (167' x 261') even though it is not at <br />present zoned as part of the Village. Land was acquired through a boundary <br />change with Oakdale in a ruling by Judge Johnson. Carried 3-0. <br />Mr. Carl Rudeen and Mr. Hanson advised that their homes or land were being <br />taken by the new 194- Freeway and asked if they could move into the village. <br />Bldg. Insp. Friedrich would make a check and determine if the homes were <br />r up to code and if approval should be gi van. <br />-` Mr. Lehmann appeared before the council relative to 2 matters. One covered <br />a permit for an industrial building that had been built without a permit <br />and the other regarding a new addition to an industrial building. Motion <br />by C.Friedrich 2nd by C.Abercrombie that the permit for the new building <br />be approved and that the license fee for the building built without the <br />permit would be also approved but subject to double fees. Carried 3-0. <br />Motion by O.Friedrich 2nd by C.Abercrombie that a variance be approved on <br />frontage of Lot 51Block 3 Tablyn Park from 125' to 100' based on the <br />recommendation of the PZC in their minutes of Jan,11, 1972. Carried 3-0. <br />
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