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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 6,1972 <br />Meeting called to order at 7.30PNt by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brlokman,Friedrich,Watson,Abercrombie,Park & NIehsikomer. <br />Abs,ent;Shervheim. <br />Also presenteCounsel Raleigh & :Building Inspecltor Ben :Friedrich.. <br />Mr. Frank Graham of NSP explained the new version of the service contract. <br />C.Abercrombie presented Resolution R-72--14 regarding electric service can - <br />tract with Northern States Power and asked for its approval. Resolution was <br />seconded by C.Watson and carried with vote of. 4-0. C.Shervheim absent. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich authorizing the Mayor & Clerk <br />to execute the Street Lighting Contract in behalf of the Village of hake <br />Elmo. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C. Friedrich that the minutes of the May 16,1972 <br />meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council be approved as submitted. Also to <br />approve the minutes of the special meeting May 25,1972. Carried 4-0. <br />Fuecken Excavating repaired the Hedberg sewer system.This account does not <br />have a current license to operate in Lake Elmo and when work was in process <br />did not have an inspection.. Possibly the system is now below the 930' level. <br />Counsel to prepare complaint for Inspector Wier signature. <br />Report on Gerald Steiner had a system put in by A. Rumpca. Mr. Rumpea does <br />not have a license to operate in the village, did not take out a permit <br />and did not have an inspection. Counsel to prepare a complaint for signature. <br />Panasow permit was pulled 8/20/71 for a'European drai:ngield. The Village <br />Council turned down this system.. System put in without inspection. Counsel <br />to prepare complaint for signature. <br />Dave Linchlag reported on behalf of the Insurance Committee. He suggested <br />that where the village had major construction projects that :involved any <br />amount of digging that the village sub -contract rather than have the work- <br />done by village personell. Sub -contractor to furnish a certificate of ins- <br />urance. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Anderson appeared relative to an abatement of taxes on <br />the property covered by plate 37027-2200. Anderson's advised that they had <br />paid $6,250 for the property but felt that they should have a reduction <br />because they could not get more than one lot out of the property. Assessor <br />pointed out that the council had recently approved an abatement from $9,165 <br />to $6,250 which was the purchase price. Since the evaluation and the actual <br />purchase price are now the same it was ruled. fair with no fur-ther action <br />on the part of the council. <br />Request from Robert Anderson 4655 Olson Lake Road to grant a variance re- <br />garding -placement of garage: on property. Fetters were received from both <br />neighbors (Valine & Gauthier) advising that they had no objections to the <br />placement of the garage. Motion by C.Watson 2nd by 0. Friedrich to grant <br />C,variance. Carried 4-0. <br />A recommendation was made that we insist on final plans for placement of <br />buried utilities; that is exact final plans. Jerry Wallace of NSP advised <br />that the Village Engineer has such plans for gas. Copy should be in office. <br />Motion by G.Watson 2nd by C.Friedrich that the Donald Anderson Plat be <br />approved. Carried 4-0. <br />The bike trail is proceeding, but a little behind schedule. Our basic <br />obligation will be to install signs furnished to us and they should be ready <br />shortly as the target date for opening the trail is July 1. 1972. <br />