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MINUTES OF THE LAKE, II,NIO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 69 1972 cont'd pg.2 <br />Mr. Ii.Griffith and the Hammes's appeared relative t6, the gravel mining <br />ordinane.e.The council reviewed the ordinate and proposed some changes which <br />counsel was to write into the ordinance and resubmit at the meeting on June <br />20,1972. Mr. Griffith will be scheduled on the agenda at 8:OOPM on that date <br />immediately after the council has had an opportunity to act on the revised <br />mining ordinance. <br />Motion by C.Aberorombie 2nd by C.Watson that the Industrial.Bldg. request <br />for rearrangement of his storeage tanks and installation of new tanks be <br />approved according to the recommendations of the PZC at its meeting on <br />May 22, 1972. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by O.Watson 2nd by C.Friedrich that the special use permit for a <br />swimming pool for Mr. K. Kemp be approved since all the requests are in <br />order and letters from involved neighbors have been received voicing no <br />objection. Motion. carried 4-0. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by O.Friedrich that a Variance 'be granted on <br />Lot 5 Bloch 30 Tablyn "Park to permit issuance of a building permit even <br />though the lot has only a 100' frontage. Motion dcarried 4-0. <br />Crombie rezoning. Rearing pond should have adequate area round the entire <br />pond so that a vehicle can drivecompletely around the pond and no structure <br />to be located closer than 50' to the pond. C.Watson will check this out. <br />Clerk advised to relate the decisiot of -the PZC to Mrs. Crombie from their <br />minutes of May 2291972. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd. by C.Abercrombie that Building Inspector be advised <br />to issue a permit to Mr. James Rhode for the addition of a deck and sunroom <br />and the double permit fee be waived and only the regular fee be charged. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />Motion by 0. Abercrombie 2nd by O.Friedrich that the council approve the <br />signs for Crossroads Ford subject to the recommendation of the PZC with no <br />construction to begin until approval is received from state. Carried 4-0. <br />Special meeting for June 13,.1972 to continue the recessed meeting on tax <br />abatement requests received at the txxxx4ux± xxtiDixxmxwkixg meeting of the <br />board of eq,ualizati.on on June 1, 1972. Meeting in Clerk's Office at 7.00PM. <br />Motion by O.Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson that bills be ordered paid. 4-0. <br />Counsel advised to submit a letter of complaint to M.Chilefone. <br />Clean up day set for Saturday June 24,1972. <br />Motion by C..Watson 2nd by C.Abercrombie approving the expenditure of $325 <br />for removal of all the trees aroud the village garage by Ray Zeller. 4-0. <br /> C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Watson that the legal fee structure be <br />changed effective July 1, 1972 so that counsel is retained on.a monthly <br />rate of $350..00 which will cover the general legal obligation services of <br />the village. This would not include special court cases, improvement <br />programs such as sewer water etc. Carried 4-0. <br />Authorization has been received from Mr. Heubner to destroy the old building <br />located on his property on North Shore Drive.(32 St. North). <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />