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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 1, <br />Meeting called to order at 7:3OPM by Mayor Brockman, <br />Present: Brookman,Shervheim,Abercrombi.e,?iatson. Late -Friedrich & Mehsikomer <br />Also present -Counsel Raleigh. <br />Minutes of the July 18, 1.972 meeting were corrected to show that the vote relating to <br />last lot in Meier's Park was 2 in .favor., 1 opnosed and l abstention. Motion by C. Watson <br />2nd by C. Shervheim that minutes be approved as amended. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Counsel instructed to review PERA (179.69 M.S.A.) Statute regarding the possible require- <br />ment for written contracts with village employees. <br />Counsel reported that the application for federal flood insurance was approved by the <br />Dept. of Natural Resources and submitted by that dept. to fed, authorities. <br />Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the auctioneer and the body shop now operating <br />on Hwy. 212 and request that they keep their Premises free of unlicensed vehicles or other <br />personal. property which tends to litter the area, all of which is prohibited by Ord. 28 <br />of the former town of Past Oakdale. <br />Clerk to send letter to Mrs. Kenneth Sovereign regard ng her appointment tb fill the <br />vacancy on the PZC. <br />Bob Henkolman of Sussel Co. appeared with Loren R. Johnson requesting a variance for a <br />garage at 2405 Deer Pond Trail (Lot 6, Oace Acres 2nd Addition). The variance analIcation <br />cited the garage would be closer to the front street than the house, and therefore a <br />variance is required under the provisions of the zoning code. The a.pnlicants represented <br />to the council that they had consent of the three neighboring land owners to the granting <br />of the variance, and demonstrated by means of sketches the difficulty in looting the <br />garage in any place because of the contour of the land. Motion by C. Watson 2nd by <br />C. Shervheim to grant the variance on the grounds that the contours of the land and the <br />shape of the lot created a hardship relating to the land and warranted a variance in order <br />to comply with the intent of the Zoning Code. Passed 4-0. <br />Mr. Gallati of Luecken Excavating appeared in .response -to the Village a+tlys letter con- <br />cerning the installation of an individual. sewage system without a permit or a license. <br />He represented to the council that he had thought his license from the prior year was <br />still valid. Iie explained that the property owner informed him that a building permit <br />was not necessary because the work to be done was an extension or expansion of a sewage <br />system already installed, and that the village had :inspected the system. 'Motion by <br />C. Shervhei.m 2nd by C. Rbererombie that a new licensebe issued to Mr. Gallati sub,iect <br />to the following conditions: <br />1. Mr. Gallati provide the village with a written document explaining and <br />describing the work he did without a permit and explaining in detail his <br />reasons for proceeding without a permit on that job. <br />2. That the license be subject to automatic revocation in the event of a <br />further violation by Mr. Gallati. Carried 4-0. <br />Lehart Friedrich arrived. <br />Motion by G:`Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich to approve Resolution 72-1.7 directing that <br />a stop sign be installed on the road exiting from Dawcin Acres on to Lake Jane Drive. <br />Carried 5-0, <br />Motion by C. 'r?atson 2nd by C. Shervheim to approve an expenditure of `8900.00 to repair the <br />roof on the pumphouse. Exact cost to be based on competitive bids. Motion carried 5-0. <br />( Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Abercrombie to employ two men to clear brush along the <br />.roads at the same approximate cost as last year. Wage rate $2.75. Work to be under the <br />supervision of C. Friedrich. Carried 5-0. <br />