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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL R rTING SEPT. 19, 1972 pg. 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by Mayor Brockman, <br />Present: Brockman, Shervheim, Friedrich, Watson, Abercrombie 8c Mehsikomer. <br />Also present: Counsel Raleigh. <br />Minutes of the September 5 1972 meeting were amended to show C. Shervheim presented <br />( Resolutions R 72-1.9 thru 2�, not just 19. Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by 0. I,Tatson <br />that minutes be approved as amended. Carried 5-0. <br />Petition was received from citizens in the Tri-lakes area relative to proper drainage <br />in the area. Clerk was instructed to .refer this matter to Lhe Watershed District with <br />a recommendation that they .look into the matter. Council would like their thoughts <br />before the October 31 1972.meeting if possible. <br />C. Shervheim presented Resolution R 72-23 appro'ving the action of the committee awarding <br />the contract for water main extensions to the low bidder, Bentson-Kelly, and asked for <br />its passage. Carried 5-•0. <br />Clerk read a letter from Chicago Northwestern RR regarding a requested road change at <br />Klondike and RR tracks. We were advised that this matter would have to go to the Minnesota <br />Public Service Commission for approval.. Clerk to inquire as to the extent; of the cost <br />to the village on such a crossing. <br />Quotation on repair of the roof were approx. 8$550.00. Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by <br />C. Watson that; C. Abercrombie be authorized to issue work order to have roof of the <br />maintenance & office building .repaired at a cost of 9550.00. Motion carried 5•-0. <br />Bill Wacker and Harvey Allen appppeared requesting the council to consider the install- <br />ation of sidewalks along .Hwy. 212 and along parts of Lake Elmo Blvd, down to the RR tracks. <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Abercrombie to present the problem and the recommendation <br />to the engineer for comments and estimates so that council can take some kind of action <br />on this request. Carried 5-0. <br />PZC made recommendation that the council enforce the percolation 'tests required under <br />code. Matter to be discussed again at the Oct. 3, 19'12 meeting. <br />Richard Durand & Paul Sportelli appeared relative to buil.dability of Lot B ( 80 x 188) on <br />Lake Elmo Ave., next to Dick Durand. The council concurred with recommendation of 'the PZC <br />which stated that; lot was platted prior to the present regulation and if it passed the <br />percolation test it should be considered a bu.ildable lot. Motion by C. Watson 2nd by <br />C. Shervheim stating that lot would be considered buildable if acceptable percolation tests <br />were submitted. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson to reject all bids on hose -drying tower and <br />turn back to firechi_e£ and engineer to resolve. Carried 5-0. <br />Clerk presented map showing the speedzone changes approved by the State of Minnesota <br />Department of Highways. After some discussion with the Village Officer it was .recommended <br />and approved that the following roads be zoned: 33rd. St. North from Klondike to Lake <br />Elmo Ave.,-31st. St. North from intersection with Stillwater Blvd. to intersection with <br />Hwy. 212, - 15th. St.No. from Inwood to Keats Ave., - 43rd. Ave. No. from Kimbro Ave. No. <br />to Lake Elmo .Ave., - Keats Ave. from 10'th. St. No; to 15th. St. N. and from 1.47th. St. 1% <br />to Hwy. 36, - Kel.v-in Ave. from 15th. Hwy. 23.2, - Kimbro Ave. from 43rd. Ave. No. <br />to 47th. .Ave. N. This was approved on a motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson and ` <br />passedby full council 5•-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Watson that the request for a building permit from <br />Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber Co. to double the .size of the kiln be approved, subject to <br />review and ap^roval of the bldg. insp. Carried 5-0. <br />