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10-17-72 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-17-72 CCM
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ITIETING OF THE LAKET LMO VILLAGE COUNCIL OCTOHBR 175 1972. n 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present: Brookman,Shervheim,Friedrich,TT•.,tson & Abercromb;o,Park P• Mehsikomer <br />Also present: Counsel Raleigh & Engineer Bonestroo. <br />Minutes Of the October 30 1972 meeting approved as submitted. Motion by C. `!Patson 2nd <br />by C. Friedrich- carried 5-0. <br />Dorothy Jensen of Farmington, Minn. advised the Council that she had a substandard lot <br />(plate 37015-2850 3 in twp 29, rg 21, S 15). Lot size is 2821 x 801. Asked about the <br />oossibility of a variance and was advised that this was not likely. SUFnested that <br />possibly vi.11ane might be interested in the lot as a recreation. center. Claimed to have <br />$2,022.02 already tied up in the property and would like to realize a profit of tl ,500. <br />Mrs. Jensen was advised that the matter would be turned over to the park study comm ttee <br />:For evaluation and that she would be advised of our intentions. <br />Mayor Brockman read a letter .from Francis Pott resigning his position as a member of the <br />Planningg Zoning Commission. The Council reluctantly accepted the resignation and commend- <br />ed Mr.. i'ott for his interest in and service to the Village of Lnke Elmo. <br />C. Shervheim reported that the Lake Elmo Lions had offered be install a drinking fountain <br />near the athletic field if water service could be made available at that point. It was <br />suggested that a hydrant also be installed to facilitate flooding of the skating rink. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd. by C. Wntson that the nark commissioner and the water commiss- <br />ioner get together and make arrangements for the water service next spring. Carried 5-0. <br />Discussion regarding the routing of Lake Elmo Elementary School students to and from <br />school. Mayor appointed committee of C.lJatson, C.Shervhei.m and C. Abercrombie to explore <br />the Village condemning the property which was at one time a natural access route. Further <br />the committee was to explore the position of the school board relative to sharing the <br />expense of such a. condemnation. <br />C. Shervheim moved that we renew the Special Use Permit for the Cimarron area subject to <br />revocation on 30 days notice. Permit would also be subject to review after completion of <br />the law suit presently on file. 2nd by C.Watson Carried 5-0. <br />C. Shervheim moved that the Village counsel. explore the possibility of drafting an <br />ordinance setting standards for mobile home foundations. Ordinance to include onerators <br />of present installations limited time to conform to the regulations. 2nd by C.Abcrcrombi.e. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />C. Shervheim reouested that a check be made to determine that the buildings supplied by <br />Movilla Homes meet state code. <br />Joan Kropelnicki, John Oftt and Dave 1,Teber in di.viduals now in business were on hand at the <br />.request of the council to discuss possible violations in the operation of their business <br />as .regards parking and advertising. After introductions and a brief discussion it was <br />suggested that the individuals involved be given copies of the subdivision ordinance <br />provisions where -they may be in violation. They were asked to then submit a layout of <br />the grounds and the parking facilities that they had available, to the planning, board/to <br />determine if they are in violation and what moves can be taken to improve their situation. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C.klatson that the second meeting of each month be set up to <br />start at 4:30PM rather than 7:30PM. Nothing would be put on the agenda until 7:30 PM., <br />the additional time to be used for constructive planning. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C. lLatson 2nd by C. Abercrombie that the next meeting of the counc'1 be re- <br />scheduled from Tuesday Nov. 7 to Tdednesday Nov. 8, 1972 to avoid congestion and confusion <br />at the election since the same facilities would have shared. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Counsel to check with Mr. flier to determine if the report submitted by Mr. Gall.ati on <br />the Hedberg septic system met with his approval. If negative then counsel would report <br />back at the next meeting. <br />
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