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HEARING ON TAX ASSESSMENTS DAWCIN ACRES ROAD PROJECT OCT.OBER 3, 1972 <br />Hearing was opened at 7:OOPM with Mayor Brockman presiding. All council- <br />men were present alond with assessor,counael and engineer. <br />`Clerk read the notice of publication and certified that the notice had <br />been duly published and written notices sent to all affected citizens. <br />Mayor asked for any comments or questions regarding the assessment once, <br />twicw and a third time; there being none hearing was adjourned at 7:10PM., <br />HEARING ON SANITARY*STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN SECTION 32. <br />Hearing was opened at 7:30PM with Mayor Brockman presiding. All Council- <br />men orlon with assessor.,counsel and engineer were on hand. <br />Mayor asked for any comments or questions regarding the assessment. Only <br />questions asked had to do with the future expansion of the system. <br />Engineer explained that these were variables and that at -this specific <br />time nothing was definite but that section 32 could be sewered if some- <br />one did come in with a development plan. <br />Mayor called a second and third time for questions; there being none the <br />hearing was adjourned at 7:4OPM. <br />MEETING OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL. OCTOBER 30 972 pg.1 <br />Meeting: called to order at 8:OOPM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Shervheim,.Friedrich,Watson,Abercrombie,Park & Mehsikoker. <br />Also present were Counsel Raleigh and Engineer Bonestroo. <br />( C.Abercrombie presented Resolution R 72-25 regarding approval of assess- <br />ment rolls as published for the Dawein Acres Road Project. Second by C. <br />Watson and carried unanimously. <br />C.Abercrombie presented Resolution R 72-26 rearding approval of assess- <br />ment rolls as published for the section 32 Sanitary - Storm Sewer pro- <br />jeat. Second by C.Shervheim and carried unanimously. <br />Minutes of the September 19,1972 meeting were amended to show that Jim <br />Griffin..was not in attendance. Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C. Friedrich <br />to approve the minutes as amended. Carried 5--0.. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Friedrich that Jim Friedrich 9345 31st <br />St.North be issued a Special Use Permit to temorarilly operate an auto, <br />truck and small motor repair shop at his residence. Area is zoned resi. <br />dential. Permit to be subject to single term to expire September 30,1972 <br />and it will not be renewed. Mr. Friedrich is to make every attempt to <br />relocate in a properly zoned area as soon as possible,. The Special Use <br />Permit to show the term and the fact that it is not renewable and permit <br />is to be signed by Mr. Friedrich acknowledging his acceptance of these <br />terms. Motion seconded by C.Friedrich and carried 5»0. <br />Clerk instructed to write a letter 'to the 3 businessmen located in the <br />old Neilsen Building requesting that they appear at the next council <br />meeting. This is to include the Body shop,Auction and the Antique Shop. <br />Engineer advised that the estimated cost of installing the sidewalk from. <br />the school to a crossway on 212 and additions on Lake Elmo Rd. is $1300. <br />Mayor advised that other alternatives were being considered which would <br />change action required. <br />