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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE, COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 3,1972 cont'd <br />pg.2 <br />Al Horning,Frank Franta,Gene Moynauh and Larry Molsather of the Valley <br />Watershed District were on hand to discuss common problems with water <br />control within the district. Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C. Shervheim <br />that Engineer Donestroo of the Village and Engineer Molsauther of the <br />Watershed get together before the next council meeting anS review the <br />previous studies. Another meeting of the council and the Watershed com. <br />would be scheduled for 9=30PIA on the 17th of October. Carried 5-0. <br />Watershed committee is looking for a home. Motion by d.Watson 2nd by C. <br />Abercrombie that the facilities of the Council Chambers be made avail- <br />able to this group on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays x± as long as they are <br />available. Carried 5-0. <br />Clerk submitted a final. draft of the 1973 budget with a total of $1871130. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson to approve the $187,130 budget for <br />1973 with$104,742 levied against real estate. Carried 5-0. <br />C.Sher-gheim Presen ted Resolution R 72-24 setting the lot size require- <br />ments and asked fbr its approval. Second by O.Friedrich & carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Abercrombie to authorize the clerk to pay <br />the bills carried 5-0. <br />Council appro ved purchase of new tires for the grader with L.Friedrich <br />to determine -the best price and makethe purchase.. <br />Discussion Haase Plot and Oaae 5th Addition road & culvert to be on agenda <br />for next meeting.. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.Sh.ervheim to accept the bid of T A Schifsky <br />of $4.15/ton for salt/sand. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Shervheim to authorize C.Friedrich to <br />have county stripe the roads as proposed. Carried 5-0. <br />Bids received for new tractor and accessories as follows: Bahls $5,148., <br />Farm Service Store $5,486 and Gerlach $5,227. Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd <br />by C..Friedrich to award the bid of B'ahls at $5048.00 and authorize C. <br />Friedrich -to make the purchase. Carried 5-0, <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Abercrombie to approve the 3.2license <br />issued to the JC's for thier softball tournament. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C'.Shervheim 2nd by C.Abercrombie to increase the salary of the <br />mayor to $125/month and that of councilmen to $75/month effective Jan.1, <br />1973. Carried 4-1 with mayor Brockman voting against. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Shervheim that Mayor be authorized to <br />sign a contract covering a Joint Powers Agreement for the 194 Corridor <br />Study. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich to adjourn at 12c15AM. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />VT�jadeM8�sAomer <br />Lake Elmo,Minnesota <br />