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11-08-72 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-08-72 CCM
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ag of the Lake Elmo Council November 8, 1972 pg.l <br />;o order at 7:30P.M. by acting Mayor Witson. <br />,Shervheim,Fri_edri_ch, Abercrombie, Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Counsel Raleigi . <br />..rt explained the initial plan for escro for the pet cemetery fund. <br />U recommended that he proceed with his plans. Dick introduced his son Craig Lambert <br />who will handle the business of the cemetery. <br />Motion C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich that the minutes of the October 17, 1972 meeting <br />be a.oproved as submitted. Carried 4-0. <br />C. Shervheim moved that the motion extending or renewing the special use permit for <br />Cimarron made during the meeting October 17, 1972 be amended to change the word revocation <br />to renew. Carried 4-0. <br />Letter received from Groves Corp. regarding the sewer assessment. Motion by C.Shervheim <br />2nd by C.Friedrich that the clerk acknowledge receipt and advise that matter would be <br />filed for future consideration. Carried 3^-1. C. Abercrombie dissenting. <br />Counsel. Raleigh raised ouestion about overall use of the 930' level for installation of <br />drainfields. Council recommended that counsel discuss this matter with engineer and report <br />back on decision. <br />Motion by C. Uatson 2nd by C.Shervheim that council. authorize Engineer Bonestroo to <br />obtain a new set of elevation .figures for the property in the Deer_Pond ar9a. These new <br />.readings should be compared against those taken in this area several years aeo when ratter <br />was being studied. Also we ask engineer for a temporary plan for removal of any excess <br />water and also a recommendation regarding permanent method of keeping excess water from <br />accumulating in the Deer Pond area. Carried 14-0. <br />Mayor Brookman arrived at 8:.30P.M. <br />Treasurer reported on information he had received regarding disposition of federal <br />revenue sharing funds. Treasurer advised to pursue matter since the published payment <br />for Lake Elmo was not in line with other communities in the area. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Abercrombie that clerk be authorized to pay the bills. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Abercrombie to approve the ON Sale Liquor Licenses for <br />Twin Point Tavern, nlmo Inn, Tartan Park and VFW 5725. Carried 5-0. Motion by C.Shervheim <br />2nd by C.1borcrombie that the OFF SALE Liquor Licenses of Twin "oint Tavern and the <br />Elmo Inn be renewed. Carried 5-0. tilotion by C.Shervhi_em 2nd b- C.Abercrombie that the <br />SUNDAY ON SALE Liquor Lidenses be renewed for. Twin Point Tavern, The Elmo Inn and Tartan. <br />Carried 5-0. Motion by C.ShervheAm 2nd by C.Abercrombie that a Sneci_al SUPMAY ON Snlr; <br />Liquor License be issued. to the VFW 5725 for the month of Nov. Car. 5--0. <br />Counsel advised to check out complaint regarding junk cars and trash in yard on <br />Lake Jane Drive and write letter if <br />Motion by C.Abercrombi.e 2nd by C.Shervheim that clerk relay complaint .regarding Loading <br />of school buses at the intersection of 30th St. N and Legion., to the appropriate Person <br />at the Lake Elmo School. Also a sign should be placed at the top of the grade showing <br />SC700L LOADING ZONE. Carried 5-0. <br />Saturday Dec. 2, 1972 has been established as cleanup days with both trucks and a <br />Thompson trailer box. Schedule to be worked out. <br />Clerk instructed Lo check part time bookkeeper and deterr•ine if she would be interested <br />in becoming the recording secretary for the PZC. Tf negative go outside to obtain <br />applicants from other sources. <br />:Sewer code to be scheduled for discussion at the early session Nov. 21, 1972. <br />continued-- <br />
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