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Minutes of Meeting of the Take Elmo Council Iovember R. 1972 pg. 2 <br />Joe Rogers .requested nermission to install a nropane Fas tank nt the Northwest corner <br />at his property. Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. I;atson i;hat perrsit be issued subiect <br />l to approval of the PZC and their meeting the requirements of the Special Use Permit, <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Set up Firechief for the November 21. meeting at 7:30 to discuss hosetower. <br />Moti.on by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Shorvheim that request of Dean Hedberg to reduce the <br />assessed evaluation on property covered by plate 37672-2000-2 and plate 37672-2150-5 be <br />denied. Ca,rri.ed 5-0. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Shervheim to approve a reduction of gn1,200 on plate <br />37011-2350 belonging to Mr. Ed Whitman since the description was in error and renorhed <br />the size of the parcel as 67 acres when it was only 60 acres, Carried 5-0. <br />Lot 4 of Pabst Lake Jane Addition was valued. at $7$500. Lot was purchased in 1972 for <br />060250. Owner requested a, value of -'�53300. Lot is approx. 14 acres. Motion by <br />C. Shervheim 2nd by C. InTatson that lot be valued in line with value of comparable land <br />in the area with the value then set at .S7'000. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C.Friedrich that the council certify the results of the <br />election as submitted. R.B. Abercrombie 1,002; Robert (datson 929; Leonard Hansen 924; <br />James Eder 688; Ray Schneider 7; Esther Tomljanovich 2; Mrs. Ray Newman 2; Dee Newman 2; <br />Mrs. K. Newman 1; Ed Stevens 2; Tom Stevenson 1 and ballots with no vote 60. Carried 5-0. <br />Mr. R.B. .Abercrombie and Mr. R. Watson are hereby elected to a term as councilman for <br />the Village of Lake Elmo for a term of three years commencing Jan. 19 1973 and ending <br />December 31, 1975. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by Mayor Brockman to adjourn at 10:1.6FY. <br />Carried )-O. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo'Minnesota <br />Mayor E_ <br />REMINDIIR THAT NEXT Ti ETINC ON NOVEMBER 21 'PULL OPEN <br />Councilmen AT 4:301M RATTIER T"ATT AT THE OLD TTME OF 7.30PM. <br />