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Administrator Rafferty noted that he would be asking a council member to work with him <br />on future policy changes for the Fire Department employee handbook. <br />Assistant City Planner: <br />The City Administrator reported the City should get an assistant planner on board before <br />the development season starts so the City needs to move forward. Also, the existing City <br />Planner has indicated he may retire within 4 years. This item will be added to the <br />January 17'h Council agenda. <br />City Engineer: <br />The City Administrator reported this would be an entry level engineer that will grow into <br />this office. With the anticipated growth, this person would do some inspections and <br />minor design when needed. This position will also be used to set up, he engineering <br />office at the Public Works Building, moving all documentation qn site and work closely <br />with the Public Works Department. This position will be funde by redirecting fees and <br />workload to the new engineer. Anticipated hiring date is 1"April or early May. This <br />item will be added to the January 17`h Council agenda <br />Code Enforcement Officer <br />The City Administrator said a council workshop,1 <br />dedicated strictly for code enforcement in order to <br />that a description can be developed. He sai11 theta <br />would train a community service officer. Council) <br />City to enforce their codes, this position will be lie,move forward to the January 17i,, (; Aucil agenda: <br />a <br />March, is necessary <br />"quality of life issues" so <br />ounty Sheriff indicated he <br />ith stated in order for the <br />future This item will not <br />The City Administrator ft�rted he,,Chuck Dillerud, Tom Bouthilet, Tom Prew, met with <br />Oakdale representatives to discuss th6 3M donation of 28 acres, by Ideal Avenue and <br />Stillwater Boul d for park development. There will be a joint ownership of land <br />between Oakdale iLake Elma and develop a Joint Powers Board. There would be <br />cost sharing arrangemdnts of a 5a6/50 split (design, construction, and maintenance). They <br />are talking lights for the balllelds and would limit the playfield to only kids. <br />The City Planner stated the issue arose as why do we need a community playfield on the <br />west side of the community and didn't we think about having a community play field in <br />the Old Village. The Planner said he did an investigation of cities with 24,000 population <br />of needs for playfrelds. He said Oakdale has one community playfield with a population <br />of 26,000 and that is not enough. He said we would reserve the site in the Old Village, <br />but not build it, and concentrate developing at the 3M site. <br />The City Administrator said he thought it was well worth contemplating. The City <br />Planner said the opportunity is now, and there would be a 50150 cost split. Council <br />member Johnson voiced her concern on financing and what would this mean to staffing. <br />The Finance Director responded this park development would be paid through park <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES January 10, 2006 2 <br />