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April 18, 2006 CCP
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2006 CCP
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dedication fees. The Mayor said he was not sure if it is a good fit for half of the facility at <br />100 percent of the cost. He said he know the need is going to be there. Council member <br />Conlin noted that the City of Oakdale is already there at 26,000 population, and their <br />need is there now for use of fields. It will take Lake Elmo 25 years to get to 25,000 <br />population. <br />6. Manning/Highway 36 Intersection Improvement <br />The City Planner reported staff and the City Engineer are working with the state and <br />county on this intersection improvement. The City Engineer recommended some signal <br />adjustment and now the County wants inbound lanes and more. The Planner asked what <br />sort of equities the City wanted to pay for. He didn't think the City should have to pay <br />the cost, but that the cost should be assessed through a 429 improvement project. The <br />City has not assessed for an intersection improvement before. 11, <br />7. Austad Drain field Plans <br />The City Engineer provided a utility plan for ingro <br />individual lots involved —Pierre, 5665 Hytrail Ave <br />Hurt, 5751 Hytrail Avenue. Mr. Austad presented) <br />involved looking for the City's support in an effort <br />properties. Mr. Austad said he talked to surroundir <br />is being proposed. The City has allowed t46, 2 p <br />behind their homes. <br />Mr. Austad said he counted <br />look at the area and at the si <br />screening. <br />,temsl.for the three <br />t <br />5701 Hytrail Avenue and <br />a the homeowners <br />the issues at their <br />.-s informing them as to what <br />area on City property <br />have to go. The City Forester will <br />of trees could be planted for <br />The City Engineer said there-woirfilbe a pumping station which would have a manhole at <br />grade. The City Engineer safd'he would. prefer not to have the manhole in the back and <br />will look at othef yeas. He said, that the construction of the system privately and then <br />turned over to the Cy has not been discussed. Usual monthly fees contributed and cost <br />of installation will be azd for by the residents. There would be a wide enough path with a <br />firm base and grass for someone three times a week to check on the system. <br />The City Engineer explained the design has a backup. The portion of the sliding hill does <br />not have enough room to meet our requirements for two drainfields. Mr. Austad said the <br />three house system, drainfield, tree removal would cost about $75,000. <br />The Council noted they were behind solving this problem in an unobtrusive manner as <br />much as possible. <br />A specific proposal will be presented at the January 17a' Council meeting. <br />8. Bergmann Easement <br />The City Engineer said he is working with the Bergmann's on easements. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES January 10, 2006 <br />
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