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DRAFT <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution 2006-027: Award Bid for Phase IV of the Water System <br />Interconnect Project <br />In his letter dated March 10, 2006, the City Engineer reported that seven bids were <br />opened on March 10, 2006, for this project. The City Engineer recommended awarding <br />the contract to Ellingson Drainage for their bid of $412,758.68. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson— to adopt Resolution 2006-027, a Resolution awarding the bid <br />for the Phase IV of the Water Interconnect Project to Ellingson Drainage on the amount <br />of $412,758.68. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />B. Resolution 2006-029: Accent Feasibility Report for 2006 Overlay — Tablyn <br />Park Neighborhood <br />The City Engineer presented the Council the Feasibility Report for 2006 Overlay — <br />Tablyn Park Neighborhood Project. <br />M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp - to adopt Resolution 2006 029, a solutioa, Receiving the <br />Feasibility Report and calling a Public Hearing on Apri 18, 2006, o�treet Repairs for <br />Tablyn Park Neighborhood. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />C. Resolution 2006-030: Chris Riley �Inc <br />City Engineer Prew was notified by letter Chris Riley Utilities, Inc. will not be <br />completing Water System Interconnection +hale I and III Contracts. Recommendation is <br />to terminate the contract "for cause." Traveesrs Ca$ualty and Surety Company was <br />notified by Riley Utilities, Inc, for non-perfo rnance <br />M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp to adopt Resolptlon 200,6-030, authorizing and directing City <br />Staff to initiate or continue Lion wrih respect to the City's claim on the performance <br />bonds. (Motion passed 5 0);; F <br />9. PLANNING. WAND USES&: ZONING: <br />A. Request re ardme the application for the Haire Variance — 8160 Hill Trail <br />The City Planner `reported that these variances to the OHW setback and minimum lot <br />were denied by the Council at the March 6, 2006, Council meeting. Due to the change of <br />the meeting night, the appliAnts were not in attendance. The Council agreed to allow the <br />applicants the opportunity to be reconsidered based on new information and written <br />statements at the next Council meeting. <br />M/S/P - Johnston/Johnson — to reconsider the Haire Variance, 8160 Hill Trail, at the <br />April 4, 2006, Council meeting. (Motion passed 4-0-1: Conlin Abstained -did not attend <br />the March 6, 2006, meeting) <br />B. Variance for Septic System Setback for 7949 Hill Trail (Scharrer). <br />City Planner Dillerud said the existing septic system at 7949 Hill Trail is no longer <br />functioning. They are requesting a variance to Septic 700 septics / design standards to <br />permit a replacement drain field within 15 feet of the existing house where a 20 foot <br />setback is otherwise required. <br />Lake Elmo City Council Minutes March 21, 2006 <br />