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City of Lake <br />i <br />CouncilCity a <br />Mayor Johnston called to order the meeting of the Lake Elmo City Council at 7:00 p.m. <br />COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Conlin, Smith, Johnson, and DeLapp. STAFF PRESENT: <br />Administrator Rafferty, Planner Dillerud, Finance Director Tom Bouthilet, Building Official McNamara, <br />Superintendent M. Bouthilet, Fire Chief Malmquist, and Recording Secretary Schaffel. ALSO <br />PRESENT: City Engineer Prew and City Attorney Filla. <br />1. AGENDA <br />Councilmember DeLapp said he has a question about the Credit Union and Prairie Ridge Office Park, <br />9C. City Administrator 11 C. Mayor Johnston asked for 9D Recommendation for County Planning <br />Commission and 9E - Second Alternate position on Lake Elmo Planning Commission. 9A, I IA, and 11B <br />move up to 6a, b and c under New Business because the public might be interested. Councilmember <br />Johnson asked to clarify the policy for contacting the City Attorney by cou'wilmembers. The City <br />Attorney said that l0A and 1 OB should be under 13 in the Close 'A Sion Cc tiiricilmember Smith asked <br />about the garage addition to Sessing Property under 1 OD. Thar•item will also l4iirider Closed Session as <br />well. <br />M/S/P, Johnsor <br />2. MINUTE1c <br />M/S/P, DeLapp <br />VOTE: 5:0 PA; <br />3. PUBLIC I <br />A. PUBLIC IN, <br />in the meeting to Item 12A. <br />:ommunity Playfield because of the <br />luality. She also has legislative <br />2. Larry Moody asked about the potential joint park. Why not increase the tax base <br />building houses on that land? Why not improve Tablyn Park? He asked about light <br />pollution, noise, and traffic concerns. <br />B. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL <br />3. Introduction of Chris Georgacas, Metropolitan Council Member <br />by <br />Mr. Georgacas extended regards of Chairman Bell. He said he hopes for a more conciliatory relationship <br />between the City and the Metropolitan Council in the future. He expressed his regrets for past disputes <br />and the past relationship. He is glad to say Metropolitan Council has reviewed our submission for <br />completeness and it is complete. The Comprehensive Plan will be reviewed over the next sixty days. <br />Councilmember DeLapp said he had hopes for a discussion tonight. Some cities have been exempted <br />from the Systems Statement. He would like to know how ten property owners can outvote 8,000 <br />Lake Elmo City Council Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2006 3 <br />