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DRAFT <br />residents. <br />Mr. Georgacas said he has heard from residents and councilmembers and he thinks it would be <br />constructive to hold a workshop between City Council and City and Metropolitan Council staff to clarify <br />and correct old facts and misconceptions as well as to discuss ongoing concerns. <br />Mayor Johnston said first we should get through the Comprehensive Plan approval, and then he thinks <br />that an excellent idea. <br />Councilmember Conlin asked how Mr. Georgacas sees his role. Mr. Georgacas said he sees his role as a <br />communications link between the County and the Metropolitan Council. He sees his role as an advocate <br />for District 12 but also has a broad vision of the region. He pledged to work hard to insure concerns of <br />the City are addressed and offered his commitment to the best effort possible in that regard. <br />Councilmember Smith said Mass Transit was mentioned at a talk given by r. Georgacas at Boutweir s <br />Landing. As a representative of our district she said she would like to s im represent the wishes of his <br />constituents. <br />Mr. Georgacas said he is a supporter of transit services and a skeptic of commut`g ail and light rail. He <br />believes it is more cost-effective to think about bus rapid t�a sit and r Tonally i tified centers. He said <br />that Park and Ride community issues should be closely heeded T e' ity has a history of opposition to it. <br />He said he thinks that can be accommodated by the Met Council <br />M/S/P, DeLapp/Smith to enter discussions in a full v, orkshra forum�w th Metropolitan Council staff, <br />sooner than. later. <br />Councilmember Conlin would favor rt a long as'City cil and staff have clear objectives and the <br />meeting is conducted in an organize(krianne�Councilm ;Xnber DeLapp agreed. <br />VOTE: 5:0 PASSED \ <br />Administrator Rafferty sul Bested that h and 1r. Georgacas could work on objectives and bring back <br />dates to facilitate the new lelationshim <br />Planner Dillerud asked why MetropQn Council would not agree to stipulate on the System Statement. <br />Our System Statement has features riiconsistent with the MOU. The City had suggested a stipulation to <br />close the issue. Mr. Georgacas said he was ignorant of that fact and will find an answer tomorrow. <br />4. Reschedule March 7th City Council Meeting <br />M/S/P, to reschedule the March 7, 2006 City Council Meeting to Monday, March 6, 2006 due to precinct <br />caucuses. <br />Councilmember Smith said she cannot attend that meeting. Councilmember DeLapp cannot make either <br />of the dates. VOTE: 4:1 Nay -Smith. <br />5. Volunteer/Employee Recognition Dinner <br />M/S/P, Johnson/Conlin, to announce the Employee and Volunteer Recognition Dinner at Tartan Park <br />Clubhouse on Friday March 10, 2006. <br />Lake Elmo City Council Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2006 <br />