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DRAFT <br />Councilmember DeLapp said he agrees but one of the issues on lakes is for protection. Everyone will be <br />well aware of this building because it will sit so high. Part of the approval is the applicant should meet <br />the new building and site requirements of the VBWD for buffers and tree plantings in order to reduce its <br />impact on the lake. <br />The Planner said we are mandated to have a Shoreland Ordinance by state statute and their may be little <br />than can be done in the Tri-Lakes area due to those rules. <br />M/S/P, Johnston/Conlin to adopt Resolution 2006-017 approving a variance to Shoreland OHW Setback <br />at 4473 Olson Lake Trail per plans staff dated February 3, 2006, and per the recommendation and <br />findings of the Planning Commission. <br />Councilmember DeLapp asked for an Amendment to the Motion that the applicant develop their land <br />between building and waters edge in concurrence with state rules and VBWD recommendations <br />particularly with regard to buffers. MOTION TO AMEND WITHDRAWN. <br />Councilmember Johnson asked if we can require these conditions <br />city can attach reasonable conditions to approval of a variance rec <br />Mr. Flanagan, the applicant, said there are huge trees and <br />house is one of the few on the lake that is screened so wei <br />VOTE: 5:0 PASSED. <br />The Planner said if the City had landscaping <br />Standards to Council Workshop. <br />MOVED 11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S <br />A. Proposed Joint Park with O <br />x <br />The Administrator explains 'I <br />26 acre site being donated y 3M <br />representatives would nice' bf di <br />Mayor Johnston said the idea r <br />public. Parking, safety, lights, <br />The City Attorney said the <br />and the lake. His <br />easy to enforce. Add Landscaping <br />)posed joint park with Oakdale for youth playfnelds on a <br />proposal currently sits at the point where the cities' <br />and issues worked out before bringing it before the <br />, and other issues must first be addressed. <br />Councilmember Conlin said she is opposed to the park. If we authorize the Letter of Understanding to <br />explore a Joint Powers Agreement that is a step into a process and an investment of time and money that <br />is hard to abandon after six months or so of study. The document before the Council is complex. There <br />will be a groundswell of opposition by the public. We should do the conceptual work on whether this is <br />the right location for this sort of park. <br />Councilmember DeLapp said we should be allowed to reduce our RECs and population and asked where <br />the water is going to come from due to the pollution. Surface water runoff will go right into Raleigh <br />Creek from heavily fertilized playfields where it will ultimately end up in the St. Croix River. Is the <br />whole park going to be fully developed? Lighting is a concern, especially for youth. Will there be shelter <br />there? Restrooms? What kind of buildings, maintenance equipment, speakers, what will the limits be? <br />Lake Elmo City Council Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2006 6 <br />