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DRAFT <br />Councilmember Johnson said the concerns are valid. The Parks and Planning Commissions unanimously <br />supported moving forward with the process. The concerns cannot be brought forth without some sort of a <br />task force. We need to gather the data before we can bring it back to the public. <br />Councilmember Smith said we need to look into it knowing we might say no. <br />Councilmember Conlin said she does not disagree but thinks it should be internal to Lake Elmo. <br />Councilmember Johnson said there is already too much information in the Letter of Understanding. Take <br />out the implementation portions and explore a joint facility. Recommendation would be to edit and revise <br />this Agreement because we are asking already for 50/50 split. <br />M/S/P, Johnson/Johnston to move this item to Council Workshop and direct staff to create a new Task <br />Force Agreement to make it more of a work plan and develop more of what the role of the task force will <br />be and less of an Agreement. <br />The Administrator said he would rather not put in any more d <br />not want to invest more time to change the document without <br />direction from the Workshop. <br />Councilmember DeLapp said we should hold several workshop; <br />she would like to see some discussion up front about whether pJ <br />have spent months planning in this City. She askeda are re, <br />�`, <br />meets our vision for the City. Councilmember Son hk <br />in the long run. and what we must sacrifice in order t url t y <br />Larry Moody said his property directly,ahu <br />contamination. He asked if this is eohui to <br />B. Comment Letter on Lake Ehno Pa <br />Councilmember Johnson.... d the <br />Councilmember DeLapp asked <br />the Planner for inclusion of the <br />the first draft. He does <br />•lc being done and <br />first. Councilmember Conlin said <br />a park in this area makes sense. We <br />inking it through and whether it <br />led discussions on the overall costs <br />park. Light, noise, runoff into the creek, water <br />mo or Oakdale or 3M. <br />at 6:00 p.m. <br />Advisory Committee for their assistance. <br />amendments to a letter to the County. He will submit them to <br />NUS/A, Johnston/Conlin to approve the letter as written and authorize the administrator to sign it. <br />Councilmember Smith would like to know how they measure the percentage. Councilmember Conlin <br />would like to have the formula for the calculations, <br />M/S/A, Conlin/DeLapp to Amend the Motion to strengthen the letter with regard to measuring <br />percentages with regard to the definition of a Park Reserve and authorize the administrator to sign it. <br />VOTE: 5:0 PASSED. <br />M/S/P, Johnson/Conlin to Amend the Motion to add the changes from Councilmember DeLapp with the <br />exception of the first recommendation in the fourth paragraph, first sentence. VOTE: 5:0 PASSED. <br />Lake Elmo City Council Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2006 7 <br />