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w <br />City of Lake City Council Meeting <br />Acting Mayor Smith called to order the meeting of the Lake Elmo City Council at 7:00 p.m. with the <br />and Conlin <br />Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Johnston, Johnson, DeLapp, . <br />STAFF PRESENT: Administrator Rafferty, Planner Dillerud, Finance Director T. Bouthilet, Building <br />Official McNamara, Superintendent M. Bouthilet, Chief Malmquist, and Recording Secretary Schaffel. <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Filla and City Engineer Prew. <br />1. Agenda <br />The Administrator asked to add 11E-Verbal Report on Oakdale Joint Park. Fire Chief asked to add <br />7C-Fire Department Updates. The City Attorney asked to speak about Systems Statement-9D. <br />Councilmember DeLapp asked to talk about Chris Georgacas' comments at Boutwell's Landing last <br />week under 9E and also for the Sprinkler Ordinance and about sprinkling the new Maintenance Shop <br />as 7D-Sprinkler/Maintenance Shop. The Mayor asked to add the Presentation of the Plaque to Gloria <br />Knoblach-3A. <br />M/S/P, Johnson/Conlin To approve the Agenda as amended. VOTE: 5:0. <br />2. Minutes <br />a. December 6, 2005 <br />M/S/P, Smith/Johnston, To postpone the Minutes of December 6, 2005 for two weeks because <br />Councilmember Smith's is missing one sheet from an attached document and there are several <br />inaccuracies. <br />The Mayor agreed more time was needed. VOTE: 5:0. <br />b. January 3, 2006 <br />Councilmember Conlin asked for a change to Page 2 under Public Inquiries Animal Control. <br />Change to comment of "what she called untruths." Page 7 is confusing because she <br />understood the wording in the center paragraph by Councilmember Smith regarding imposing <br />fees, actually became part of the paragraph amended by the remedial measures document by <br />the City Attorney. She would like that to be evident in the minutes. Councilmember DeLapp <br />asked to Page 6, 3`d paragraph, add words from resident Sue Dunn where she addressed the <br />need to modify the Village Master Plan and add "include sparing trees in our urban forest." <br />Councilmember DeLapp said the next two pages are a series of one liners and then a <br />resolution. Staff should work to incorporate the one liners into something meaningful, to work <br />as a team. <br />M/S/P, Johnson/Conlin, To approve the Minutes of January 3, 2006 as amended. VOTE: 5:0. <br />3. Public Informational <br />a. Presentation to Gloria Knoblacb <br />M/S/P, Smith/DeLapp, To authorize the Mayor to sign the plaque and present it to Gloria <br />Knoblach in recognition of spearheading the Friends of Lake Elmo Library resulting in the <br />library returning to Lake Elmo. VOTE: 5:0. <br />Lake Elmo City Council Minutes of January 17, 2006 <br />