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DRAFT <br />5. FINANCE: <br />A. Resolution No. 2006-109: Capital Improvements Program (removed) <br />6. APPOINTMENT TO PARKS COMMISSION AND MAINTENANCE <br />ADVISORY COMMISSION: <br />The Parks Commission and the Maintenance Advisory Commission have one vacancy <br />each. The Council received four applications, two for each commission, and scheduled <br />interviews for all. Ms. Susan Dunn was out-of-town, and unable to interview. City <br />Council thanked Ms. Dunn for all of her contributions to Lake Elmo and requested -that <br />slie be red- or the next vacancy. <br />M/S/P Smith/Conlin — to appoint John Booher to fill the Parks Commission vacancy. <br />(Motion passed 3-0) <br />M/S/P Smith/Conlin — to appoint Steve Gurney to the Maintenance Advisory <br />Commission (MAC), and Steve Ziertman as an Alternate. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />The City Council directed Staff to verify that City Ordinance allows appointment of an <br />Alternate, or have the Ordinance amended to reflect such change. <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIREBUILDING: None <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution No. 2006-105: Adopt Assessments for the Phase IV Water <br />Interconnect Protect Response to the two objecting Property Owners <br />The City Engineer reported that he met with the two objecting property owners, Dr. <br />Ostrander and Donald and Joan Tauer, and discussed the proposed assessments. The <br />Ostrander assessment continues to be valid and the City Engineer recommended that it <br />not be modified. In regard to the Tauer properties, the City Engineer reported that he is <br />recommending the driveway easement parcel not be assessed, but that the pet cemetery <br />be assessed as proposed since there does not appear to be any restriction as to future use. <br />He also reported that Mr. Pechan has recently purchased 0.65 acres from the Tauers'. <br />Because of that, the Tauer assessment would be reduced and the Pechan parcel would be <br />increased. <br />City Attorney Filla advised Council that since the Pechan would be increased, it will be <br />necessary to conduct a new Public Hearing regarding his assessment alone. <br />M/S/P Smith/Conlin — to deny the objections of Dennis Ostrander and Don Tauer based <br />on the Findings contained in the TKDA report, to adopt Resolution No. 2006-105, <br />approving the proposed Assessment for the Water System Interconnect Phase IV project <br />as recommended by the City Engineer in his letter of October 13, 2006, excluding the <br />Pechan. A new assessment hearing will be noticed for November 8, 2006, on the Walter <br />Pechan parcel. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 17, 2006 <br />