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DRAFT <br />B. Resolution No. 2006-109: Award Bids for Plumbing Contract A• and <br />Resolution No. 2006-110: Award Bids for Plumbing Contract B <br />The City Engineer reported that the only one bid was received for each contract, and <br />recommends awarding the bids to Lakes Mechanical Services, Inc. These contracts are <br />for plumbing services within the homes to disconnect well water and connect city water <br />to the inside plumbing. He reported that Contract A was for 102 services and Contract B <br />for 96 services. <br />City Engineer Prew said that approximately 60 homes have the ser-vices-installed from <br />e street o e house. He continued that the balance of connections is approximately 2-3 <br />weeks out. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Smith — to adopt Resolution No. 2006-110, and Resolution No. 2006-111, <br />awarding the plumbing contract for Contract A and Contract B, to Lakes Mechanical <br />Services, Inc., for their base bid of $527,410.00 for Contract A and $555,000.00 for <br />Contract B. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />C. Authorization for Sanitary Sewer Study for Old Village <br />City Engineer Prew requested City Council authorization to complete a Sanitary Sewer <br />Study for the installation of municipal sanitary sewer within the Village Area. He <br />reported that the Village Planners work had progressed far enough to estimate sanitary <br />sewer requirements and it was important at this time to take a look at how the sewer <br />would be constructed and how much it would cost. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Smith — to approve the authorization for TKDA to provide professional <br />services for the Old Village Sanitary Sewer Study. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />D. Resolution No. 2006-111 and Resolution No. 2006-112: Approve Plans for Well <br />Sealing for Contract A and B <br />The City Engineer presented plans and specifications for the abandonment and sealing of <br />all of the wells in the Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights water service project area. He is <br />recommending ordering advertisement for Bids for the well sealing. <br />M/S/P Smith/Conlin — to adopt Resolution No. 2006-112, approving Plans and <br />Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights <br />Water Main Project — W ell Sealing, Contract A, and Resolution No. 2006-113, <br />approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids Tablyn <br />Park/Lake Elmo Heights Water Main — Well Sealing, Contract B. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />E. Water Service Right —of —Ent — Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights Water Project <br />(postponed) <br />City Engineer Prew informed the Council that a number of residents have not executed <br />the necessary Right of Entry Agreement that will allow the City to construct the service <br />lines from the street to their homes and seal their wells. The City has made several <br />written attempts to secure their Right of Entry and he now recommends the City now <br />consider a Resolution prepared by the City Attorney that would require compliance by <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 17, 2006 <br />4 <br />