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DRAFT <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Purchase of Two Ladder Fire Trucks: <br />The Assistant City Administrator presented the Council with the Fire Chief's request for <br />consideration of a proposed letter to a vendor regarding the purchase of two used ladder <br />fire trucks. The letter advises the vendor that the City is continuing to consider the <br />purchase of 75' and 100' ladder fire trucks at a price of one million dollars, with a <br />decision expected by November 8, 2006. <br />Attorney Filla said that he does not object to the proposed letter with certain <br />binding." <br />Council Member Smith is concerned with eh fiscal responsibilities to the City. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnson — to sign a "Non -Binding Letter of Intent" to Rosenbauer/General <br />Safety Equipment, as modified by the City Attorney. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />12. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS AND REPORTS: <br />A. Mayor Johnston reported that he attended a recent meeting at the Metro Council, <br />along with Administrator Rafferty and the design team. The meeting was attended by <br />Chair Bell, Regional Administrator Weaver and Environmental Services Moore. At that <br />meeting the City was advised that the METC would favorably consider relocation of <br />future dwelling units south of 10`h street to the Village Area. He noted that this would <br />require an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan and the successful completion <br />of the village Area Plan to the satisfaction of the City Council, and therefore, constitutes <br />a work -in -progress. <br />B. Council Member Conlin proposed to the Council that it would be very appropriate <br />to have a plaque made in memory of Administrator Rafferty. <br />The Assistant City Administrator stated that the naming of a building is also appropriate, <br />and that the Parks Commission had recommended renaming Carriage Station Park, to the <br />Martin Rafferty Memorial Park. <br />C. Council Member DeLapp: Absent <br />D. Council Member Johnson: Absent <br />E. Council Member Smith stated that she supported Council Member Conlin's <br />recommendation of a plaque. <br />REMINDER: October 18 and 30, 2006, at 6:30 p.m., Special Planning Commission <br />Meetings on Zoning <br />__ . Meeting -adjourned -at 8:25-p.m, <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 17, 2006 <br />