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November 8, 2006 CCP
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2006 CCP
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DRAFT <br />these few residents, and allow the City to seek the assistance of the Court of no <br />compliance results. He reminded the City Council that the City had adopted an <br />Ordinance earlier in 2006 that declared all the wells in this project area a hazard and a <br />public nuisance and requiring these wells to be sealed in the public interest. <br />Mayor Johnston asked if there was a sense of urgency to pass this abatement action, as <br />only three Council Members were present. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston — to table until the November 8, 2006, Council meeting because <br />only three Council Members are present. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />F. Reduction in Park Meadows <br />City Engineer Prew requested an Escrow Reduction for Park Meadows from $299,000.00 <br />to $108,750.00, as presented in his Memo dated October 17, 2006. <br />M/S/P Smith/Conlin — to approve as recommended by the City Engineer in his Memo <br />dated October 17, 2006, from $299,000.00 to $108,750.00. (Motion passed 3-0) <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING• <br />A. Hardy House Move: <br />The City Planner reported that Ms. Hardy had fenced the site the day following the last <br />City Council meeting as required, and the footings for the house had been poured the <br />afternoon of this Council meeting. He presented a draft agreement that had been <br />prepared by Staff and the City Attorney providing for the completion of the balance of <br />the work at the Hardy house in various stages through the end of June 2007. He <br />recommended the Council consider the agreement as a condition of any extension beyond <br />the current November 1, 2006, expiration of the Hardy permit. <br />Ms. Hardy advised the Council that she had reviewed the proposed agreement and found <br />it be acceptable. <br />Building Official McNamara advised the Council that he has observed numerous <br />violations of exterior storage ordinances on the property and requested that correction of <br />these violations be an additional condition of extending the permit. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston — to direct Staff to extend the date by which Ms. Hardy must <br />complete the project, on the condition that Ms. Hardy execute the proposed Agreement <br />and renew the Letter of Credit before October 31, 2006; also, the Agreement be amended <br />to provide removal of all illegal outside storage on the property by November 1, 2006. <br />(Motion passed 2-1: Smith — did not support the location of this home to a substandard <br />parcel a year ago. Deadlines have come and gone, and the job is still not complete. How <br />many more deadlines is the Council willing to approve?) <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 17, 2006 <br />
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