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DRAFT <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK//FIREBUILDING: <br />A. Fire Dept.: Chief Malmquist <br />(1) Place Mark Yost as a Probationary Member <br />Fire Chief Malmquist requests Council approval to place Marls Yost as a Probationary <br />Member of the Lake Elmo Volunteer Fire Dept. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to place Marls Yost as a Probationary Member of the Lake <br />Elmo Volunteer Fire Dept. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />(2) Fire Dept. #2: Day Room Improvement Clarification <br />Fire Chief Malmquist reported that the department received a bid of $2,600.00 for <br />construction materials. This bid does not include wiring, carpet or incidentals. The Fire <br />Dept. will be accepting donations from various sources. The Chief requests approval of <br />up to $8,000.00 for the construction. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin — to authorize the construction of the tiayroom at Fire Station 42, <br />with costs not exceed an $8,000.00 bid. (Motion passed 5=6) <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution No 2006-098• Accent Feasibility Report"on 28`h Street <br />The City Engineer distributed a Feasibility Report for the petitioned reconstruction of <br />28`h Street as a paved road. Bids were received for a 22"and an 18' wide, 9 ton paved <br />road, without a turnaround at either the east or west ends. Cost proposals were received <br />from the on -site contractor for $65,000 and. 40,000 <br />In -kind work and funding for:this proposed project include three possible sources: 6" of <br />road base material, already P$it of the Ciy's existing water extension project, the <br />benefiting properties, and th` ity. If the City were to make a contribution, changes to <br />existing City policies, and the�ily's CIP would be necessary. If the benefiting properties <br />each contributed the maximum appraised value of $2,500, the City portion would be <br />..,i $40,000, If the -benefiting propertres`pad the entire cost, each would be assessed $8,300. <br />Alternately, the project could be completed in two phases, with a based installed this Fall <br />and blacktop laid irirthe Spring.;. This would cost about $32,000 upfront, unless the City <br />Council agreed to lower,the road's design standard. <br />Resident .Tim Palacek, 2798 Jamley Avenue North, stated that his property is at the <br />southwest corner of Jamley and 28`h Street. I-Ie stated that he does not use 28"' Street and <br />this property would not benefit from improved access off 28th Street. He also stated that <br />the west stub of 28th Street has only been plowed by the City for the past three years. <br />Resident Jim Petersen, 2751 Jamley Avenue North, stated that he lives at the southeast <br />corner of Jamley and 28`h Street. He said that the western portion of 28`h Street is not <br />used by any residents for property access and this section should be eliminated from the <br />Project to reduce cost. He also stated that his property access is off Jamley and will not <br />benefit from the Project. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 <br />