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DRAFT <br />The Council discussed the letter received from the property owners by Oak Park Heights <br />and the Oak Park Heights invitation for a joint meeting regarding the <br />detachment/annexation. <br />M/S/P Smith/DeLapp — to direct Staff to write a letter to the Oak Park Heights Council <br />stating that the Lake Elmo City Council is not interested in a meeting with the Oak Park <br />Heights City Council on the detachment/annexation matter and that the Lake Elmo <br />Council desires to keep Lake Elmo intact with no land detachments to adjoining <br />communities. <br />(Motion passed 4-1: Conlin — agreed with City Administrator's comments that it would <br />be a neighborly gesture for the Lake Elmo City Council to agree to a meeting with Oak <br />Park Heights City Council) <br />Mayor Johnston commented that someone could meet with <br />detachment/annexation matter, just not a full City Council., <br />Council Member DeLapp commented he would <br />Council Member Johnson commented that the <br />should be courteous and respectful. <br />Heights on this <br />such a <br />to Oak Park Heights <br />C. Metro Transit Park & Ride Pro osa (deleted) <br />The City Planner reported that he had been notified byiU'atro Transit that they were not <br />ready to present the Park & Ride, Proposal to the City Council, but will at a later date. <br />., <br />C. Access to Sunfish Lalce Park from Jamaca Blvd <br />Council Member DeLapp mined Council'that a road in back of the Maintenance <br />Building has a fence that was buiit to allow access from Jamaca without access to the <br />Lake Jane Landfill, Tluted,area, but there is also a sign stating that there is no access <br />from Jamaca B21:'to the park, Be is requesting Staff to replace the sign with a new sign <br />inviting access to the,park fromJamaea. <br />The City Planner info @ed Council that Staff will take care of changing the sign, without <br />any formal Council direction to do so. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Bergmann Easement <br />City Attorney Pilla informed Council that no communication has been received back <br />from the Bergmann's regarding the City's offer. It's been 11 days since the last response, <br />and he is recommending the City start condemnation proceedings on the easement. It is <br />critical the City acquire this property to complete the City's 2006 Water System <br />Interconnect Project, which benefits the residents of Lake Elmo. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnson — to approve Resolution No. 2006-100, a Resolution Authorizing <br />Condemnation of the Bergmann property. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 <br />