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DRAFT <br />The Permit will allow painting and sandblasting on Saturday and Sunday, from 8:00 a.m. <br />to 5:00 p.m., weather permitting. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution No. 2006-093. Ordinance l <br />uL uuu aw<.vunlq - IUVOLL111L. 1d1U1G11 O1LG � 1 V OUCCL( <br />The City Planner reported that this City Council -initiated the proposal to reclassify the <br />approximately 14 acre site from PIT to RAD and rezone the site from PF to RR has been <br />recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The matter was on the <br />Council's agenda September 5 and tabled to September 19 to be considered by a full five <br />member Council. <br />M/S Conlin/DeLapp — to table further review three months from now with definite plans <br />for a church on the site at the second meeting of December, 2006, <br />Council Member Conlin requested that the Findings be par the approved motion. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith — to amend the motion to 12 <br />(Motion 3-2: DeLapp and Conlin) <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith — to table further discussion and" the Apostolic Church return <br />within twelve months, updating the Council asto where they are with their plans for use <br />of the site for a church. (Motion passed 3 �; Conlin and DeLapp) <br />Pastor Friend asked the City Council if it v l be necessary for the church to have <br />complete construction plans withWtWelve months. <br />City Attorney Filla advised Pastor Frietid that his: interpretation of the motion is that the <br />church should have at least a schedule for the use of the site for new church purposes, but <br />that construction plans were not necessarily required. <br />R <br />The City PlanneFThformed Council that a letter from the Oak Park Heights City <br />Administrator had been received regarding an annexation request from three residents <br />owning land in Lake .E mos - The Oak Park Heights City Council has requested a joint <br />work session with the Lae Elmo City Council to discuss the property owner's request. <br />The City Planner reported that at this time, Lake Elmo has not received any letters from <br />the owner's requesting the detachment/annexation. He noted that, as of August 1, 2006, <br />both cities must now approve a concurrent detachment/annexation, rather than just the <br />annexing city as had been the law previously. Lake Elmo needs to be directly involved. <br />City Administrator Rafferty said that he has talked with the Oak Park Heights City <br />Administrator Johnson, informing him that he would bring the request for a joint meeting <br />to the Lake Elmo Council's attention for any action. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 <br />